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Familiarize yourself with the basic concepts and language of accounting. He is also the author of Accounting For Dummies. The balance sheet is a rearrangement of the . Like our other accounting cheat sheets the financial ratios equations sheet is free for your own personal use. However, the burger place purchased part of its inventory on $2,500 credit from a supplier, and payment for it is now due. The purpose of a balance sheet is to show your companys net worth at a given time and to give interested parties an insight into the companys financial position. STATISTICAL Functions in Excel Go to the FORMULA tab. Table of Contents 1. The choice of accounting method also affects the values reported for assets, liabilities, and owners equities in the balance sheet.


Accounting methods must stay within the boundaries of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Double-entry bookkeeping records both sides of a transaction debits and credits and the accounting equation remains in balance as transactions are recorded.


For example, if a transaction decreases cash $25,000, then the other side of the transaction is a $25,000 increase in some other asset, or a $25,000 decrease in a liability, or a $25,000 increase in an expense (to cite three possibilities).


The illustration below summarizes the basic rules for debits and credits. An increase in an asset is a debit, and the ingenious twist of the scheme is that a decrease in a liability or an owners equity is also a debit. In contrast, set-up and follow-up transactions for sales and expenses stay in the background, meaning that they are not reported in a financial statement. Therefore, by using our accounting cheat sheet, you can make sure that your balance sheet is always in balance. Also, any unusual gains and losses are reported separately in this financial statement. Our flashcards for the topic Accounting Basics will help you master key terms and definitions. John A. Tracy is a former accountant and professor of accounting. Almost all businesses are profit-motivated, so one basic type of transaction is obvious: profit-making transactions. Margin per unit equals sales price minus product cost and minus the variable expenses of making the sale. Because the business needs to have the products available for sale, the purchase of inventory is the important first step, or set-up transaction.

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