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Add To Favorites. They contain thrice the level of anthocyanin in blueberries. But it ranges from 20 mg / 100 g to 600 mg / 100 g wet weight. The study recruited 40 Caucasian participants aged 40 and 70 who were otherwise healthy aside from having borderline hepatitis. Each participant was asked to consume a purple sweet potato beverage (177 mg anthocyanins) three times per day for eight weeks. 1 In addition, the content of selenium and iodine in purple sweet potatoes is 20 times higher when compared with other types of yams. So we will be protected from various digestive disorders such as hemorrhoids, constipation, even to cancer. Available from late August through late spring, the Stokes Purple sweet potatoes, with a purple-tinted skin and bold purple flesh, have a drier, denser texture, and better-balanced sweetness than their orange counterparts. Last Updated on March 13, 2022 by Michael Joseph. Although regular sweet potatoes are a healthy food, purple sweet potatoes may be even better for you. So which sweet potato is better, the regular sweet potato or Japanese sweet potato? Japanese sweet potatoes are said to be an excellent provider of essential minerals that are required for our dietary needs such as: Related: Goya Superfood From Okinawa To Lower Blood Sugar. regular white potatoes are an under-recognized and surprisingly rich source of vitamin C, 9 Health Benefits of Spinach (and Full Nutrition Facts). Japanese sweet potatoes are also a superfood but theyre slightly different from regular sweet potatoes due to their color and nutrient content. However, now purple sweet potatoes have gone up the classroom. This effect might be related to their polyphenolic antioxidant compounds, which work in a way similar to that of some blood-pressure-lowering medications. Vitamin A is beneficial in keeping the eyes healthy. Resistant starch resists digestion in your gastrointestinal tract, but the bacteria in your large intestine ferment it (3). Serving Size: 1 g. 132 Cal. The color comes from anthocyanins, the same pigment that gives cherries, strawberries, purple carrots, and other vegetables their color. It makes a healthy choice for diabetics. In the same way as the Stokes purple, it has a higher starch content and a lower sugar content than an orange sweet potato. This may partly be due to their higher potassium content, as this nutrient helps reduce blood pressure, but their antioxidant content likely plays a role, too. Japanese sweet potatoes [] There are many health benefits of sweet purple potatoes Purple sweet potato anti-bacterial activity reached 3.2 times higher than various types of blueberries. Purple sweet potatoes are a colorful root vegetable with high starch content, and they contain a broad range of nutrients. Leave the skins on, cut them into chunks, and boil them until theyre tender. Purple sweet potatoes may also be known as Okinawan sweet potatoes or Hawaiian sweet potatoes.. Pour the melted butter herb sauce (reserving some for serving) onto the mashed potatoes and stir to combine. Resistant starch is highest when potatoes are cooked and then chilled, but not reheated (3). While the starch in purple potatoes increases blood sugar, it does so to less of an extent than the starch in yellow or white varieties. Xie J, Han YT . Purple sweet potato contains antioxidants that are good for your heart, digestion, cognitive function, and liver health. They help in preventing dry eyes, improving night vision, reducing the risk of eye infections and relieving cataracts. In general, eating more polyphenol-rich foods, including those that contain anthocyanins like purple potatoes, may help relax and strengthen your blood vessels. This article determines. GI numbers indicate the rapidity of a food in raising the concentration of blood sugar in the body. All content is informational purpose only, does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. Enjoy plain, or topped with non-dairy yogurt, agave, cinnamon, nutmeg or your favorite vegan sweet potato toppings. Vitamin E (3.2 mg)- It is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. Here are 16 purple foods that are as nutritious as they, Sweet and regular potatoes are incredibly popular tubers. They tend to have healthier skin than most of the world population and the average life expectancy is one of the highest in the world. Firstly, a sample size of only 20 people makes it difficult to generalize the results to the entire population. The answer is the presence of fiber and pectin. Chill them in the refrigerator and serve them cold. Here are 8 impressive, Purple yams, also known as ube, are nutritious root vegetables that may offer several health benefits. Then drain and toss them with thinly sliced onions, a handful of fresh minced herbs, and some Dijon-vinaigrette dressing. Purple Yams are safe to eat by dogs. It also helps in the better absorption of carbohydrates and fats by our body. These purple sweet potatoes have plenty of other nutritional benefits too. Well, besides beneficial to make a variety of processed foods, it turns out that purple yams also contain the health benefits for our bodies such as : Sweet purple contains anthocyanin substances that are useful as antioxidants and protect our body from liver damage, prevent us from heart attack and stroke. Also, notably, the 2016 study did not record alcohol consumption, which is a potentially significant confounder. Set aside. By comparison, the Okinawa sweet potato is less creamy but has a sweeter, fruitier taste. The peel has 10 times more antioxidants than the flesh but you should refrain from baking if you want to utilise these benefits since baking could eliminate the benefits. This antioxidant has anti-inflammatory properties. Some people still think that purple sweet potatoes are the villager food or the food for the people of the village. Vitamin C is essential for the immune system and its antioxidant activity (10). Nutrition Advance provides evidence-based food and nutrition articles. Purple (inside) Okinawan sweet potatoes are rich in anthocyanin and contain virtually zero carotene, and typical Japanese (yellow inside) sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene as well. Purple sweet potatoes also provide moderate amounts of vitamin C, another essential micronutrient. Additionally, the Japanese sweet potato contains large amounts of polyphenols, which are antioxidant molecules that help to fight cancer and keep your body healthy. They are also a good source of zeaxanthin and isomer lutein that are fat-soluble antioxidant carotenoids. As previously mentioned, purple sweet potatoes and orange-fleshed regular sweet potatoes are not entirely different nutritionally. The potential health benefits of the sweet potato sporamins in helping prevent oxidative damage to our cells should not be surprising since sweet potatoes produce sporamins whenever subjected to physical damage to help promote healing. Its important to note that the research thus far has been limited to cancer cells treated in a lab and cancers in lab rats. Japanese sweet potato or has Latin language as Satsui Maimo is a type of sweet potato that has a short planting period about 4 until 6 months which is faster than the benefits of local sweet potatoes with planting period from 6 until 8 months. Eating sweet potatoes may help in preventing mood swings. Oxalic acid (also known as oxalate) is thought to increase the risk of kidney stones in individuals susceptible to developing them (19, 20). Like blueberries, these spuds have a high amount of anthocyanins. For this reason, some individuals may be following medically-supervised low-oxalate diets. Blood Pressure There is a good amount of potassium in all varieties of potatoes, but in this purple variety, that potassium is helped along by the high concentration . Sweet potatoes with orange flesh are high in beta-carotene, which gives that yellow, orange, and red coloring to fruits, plants and vegetables. A few lab studies have indicated that some of the compounds in purple potatoes, including their antioxidants, may help prevent or fight cancer, including colon and breast cancer (13, 14). Japanese sweet potatoes are a healthy source of nutrients. 20th October 2022, 7:07 pm, by Purple sweet potato Purple yam Beni-imo Hawaiian Sweet Potato is very healthy and has even been coined a superfood. How many calories does a Japanese sweet potato have? Fitness Goals: Heart Healthy. These are healthy sugars that are necessary to maintain your body as they perform various functions in keeping your body running. They're fat-free, low in sodium, and a good source of potassium. Your blood vessels need magnesium to relax and to transport calcium and potassium . Fat 66.6 g. 0.4/67g left. Minerals are essential in developing and maintaining our body. It especially took hold in Japan . For an idea of how this compares to other foods, studies have shown that blueberries contained 25-495 mg and red cabbage had 250-322 mg of anthocyanins per 100 grams (8). 3% 0.4g Fat. Neat fact: Hawaiian Sweet Potato is not part of the potato family. Unfortunately, the primary nutritional databases, such as the USDAs FoodData Central database and the NCC Food and Nutrient Database, do not have an entry for purple sweet potatoes. . You can prepare them similarly to how you would prepare white or yellow flesh potatoes, but if you swap them in, youll enjoy quite a few health benefits. Sweet potatoes are a rich source of cancer-fighting antioxidants, especially in their skin. Riboflavin (0.06 mg)- It helps in breaking down the proteins, carbohydrates and fats in your body to accelerate energy production and oxygen absorption in the body. Which type is healthiest? Pantothenic acid (1.92 mg)- It helps in metabolising and synthesizing fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. . By eating purple sweet potatoes regularly, then asthma will not often recur again. 3.1k Views. These compounds contribute to improved gut health. The flesh is vibrant purple with whie and violet striations and is firm with a low moisture content that allows for a drier . So blood clotting will not happen and blood circulation in our body becomes smooth. High Japanese yam will be beta carotene which is the main antioxidant. The same quantity is also potassium-rich: 816 milligrams, to be precise. As discussed earlier, anthocyanins function as antioxidants that can absorb air pollution. In addition, in Japanese yams also contain magnesium benefits are very good for digestion and easily digested because it contains starch. The skin is semi-smooth and brown with many medium-set eyes scattered across the surface. Japanese sweet potatoes tend to have a low GI rating and are known to be fat-free. Also good for skin and bone health. 15 Health Benefits of Sweet Purple Potatoes Just Revealed, Pass quality checked by advisor, read our quality control guidelance for more info, 15 Sweet Potato Benefits for Weight Loss Recent Research, 10 Nutritious Health Benefits of Potato Starch and Its Cautions, 11 Top Health Benefits of Eating Purple Potatoes, 12 Health Benefits of Green Potatoes You Never Know, 16 Health Benefits of Eating Irish Potatoes and How to Cook It, 6 Surprising Health Benefits of Black Sesame Seeds Youve Never Known Before, Enjoy these 8 Health Benefits of Juniper Berries, Taste these 7 Super Benefits of Maqui Berry, 6 Incredible Health Benefits of Hawthorn Berry, Top 5 Health Benefits of Consuming Kakadu Plum. Whats more health benefits of sweet purple potatoes? If you are someone looking to lose weight, you can make Japanese sweet potatoes a part of your daily diet and see great results. In one study, cancer cells that were treated with purple potato extract grew more slowly. Chop them into pieces, cover in oil and roast. Japanese yam is an ideal food as a substitute for rice or other carbohydrate intake for diabetics. Japanese sweet potato fries. Consuming foods with fibre also makes you feel fuller and can help in reducing the risk of obesity. High Japanese yam will be beta carotene which is the main antioxidant. The purple beautys soft white flesh is loaded with vitamin C and dietary fiber. . Calcium: This is essential to maintaining the strength of your bones and teeth. 113/2000Cal left. The recommended dosage for fibre for an average adult is around 22.4 grams to 33.6 grams daily and these Japanese sweet potatoes, which are rich in fibre, can supply an adequate amount of it to your body. There is also other benefits of yams or purple sweet potato for health, such as : Purple sweet purple contains high carbohydrate so it can replace rice. Japanese sweet potatoes are typically purple on the outside and have a white or yellow interior. This amount is equal to 183% of the daily value for the vitamin (2, 3). Japanese sweet potatoes have loads of nutrients that are beneficial for your skin such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, biotin, and niacin. The color is due to the anthocyanins, a water-soluble element that is also known for pigmenting other fruits and vegetables that are purple, red . Japanese sweet potatoes are packed with beta-carotene which will be converted to Vitamin A by your body. The tuber may be slightly curved, and both ends taper to a slender point. [Traditional Japanese variety.] Also read:Health Benefits of Potato Soup. Also read:Benefits of Aromatherapy for Cancer Patients. Sweet potatoes have been consumed around the world for over 5000 years and they come in more than 400 strains. As previously discussed, purple sweet potatoes also contain high levels of anthocyanins, whereas orange-fleshed sweet potatoes contain zero anthocyanins. Serving Size: 1 tuber (130 grams) 113 Cal. Eating purple potatoes can boost your antioxidant intake and reduce inflammation. Copper: Copper makes sure that your bones are healthy and your blood vessels, nerves and immune system are functioning properly. Minerals Japanese sweet potatoes are also a good source of some minerals (especially magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium) and low in sodium [ 1, 6 ]. Apart from that, they have a high fibre content that helps in improving the metabolization of your body. Manganese: They are essential in the proper functioning of many bodily functions such as blood clotting, reducing inflammation, bone formation, metabolising cholesterol, glucose, amino acids and carbohydrates. Is Japanese sweet potato good for weight loss? However, there are also some apparent differences between the two. Antioxidants: As we already discussed, purple sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants, including anthocyanin. The high content of starch substances make the gastrointestinal tract does not need to work hard in digesting this one material. Japanese sweet potatoes are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and more. Purple sweet potatoes have 2.5 times more antioxidants (anthocyanins) than their orange-fleshed . Even though it gets its name from a prefecture in Japan where it's extremely popular, it's actually native to the Americas. There is also some other type of herbal plant which help the health of heart such as the Health Benefits of Garlic for your Heart or the Health Benefits of Honey for your Heart. Japanese yams have hyaluronic acid content that is needed for all skin beauty solutions and keep the tissue always moist, overcoming dry skin and fine wrinkles on the face. Ships late spring. Although lack of availability can put these a bit on the pricier side in most countries, the numerous benefits provided by them are worth the money. Lets take a look at some of the biggest benefits provided by these which makes them a favourite for many. Dietary fiber helps keep you feeling full, prevents constipation, stabilizes blood sugar, and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Purple potatoes are a healthy and colorful member of the potato family thats worth getting to know. Purple potatoes are a tasty way to add a pop of color to your plate while enjoying a serving of health benefits. Sweet Potato Health Benefit #9: They Can Help Fight Cancer. The resistant starch content of potatoes also varies depending on the cooking method, though it doesnt seem to vary much between the color of potatoes. cartons). Helps regulate glucose levels - Sweet potato starch is higher in amylose than amylopectin, which raises blood sugar slowly. Eating purple potatoes may promote blood vessel and blood pressure health. There are a lot of studies that prove the excellent benefits provided by Japanese sweet potatoes. Vitamin C is essential for the immune system and its antioxidant activity ( 10 ). They also assist in metabolising protein, carbohydrates and fat. Bring the water to a boil, then turn down to simmer. Purple yams are a good source of antioxidants and vitamins A and C, helping you reach your daily intake levels for these vitamins. Bake in a preheated oven for about 30 minutes or until golden brown. In a 100 g of Japanese sweet potato, there are 4.2 g of sugar such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, and maltose. Ava Sato Purple Sweet Potatoes Nutrition and Benefits We've already established that the pigment in purple sweet potatoes comes from an antioxidant. 2 Japanese sweet potatoes fork or knife oven Instructions Preheat oven to 400 F Clean and lightly scrub the sweet potatoes under running water to clean them. Whats the Difference Between Sweet Potatoes and Potatoes? Note: the USDA entry has nutritional data for orange-fleshed sweet potatoes per 180-gram medium sweet potato (16). Regarding the taste, it is slightly sweeter than regular sweet potato varieties. Here are 7 surprising benefits of purple potatoes. Hormonal Balance and Anti-aging Effect And beta-carotene that has been converted into vitamn A provides 200% of the bodys vitamin A requirement in one day. The more adventurous recipes include everything from cakes, smoothies, and latte to purple sweet potato fries, chips, and even bread. With 34 mg of vitamin C per medium-sized cooked purple sweet potato, this represents 38% of the recommended daily value ( 2, 3 ). Daily Goals How does this food fit into your daily goals? 0.1 gram fat. The researchers involved in the 2016 study noted that further research was necessary and that there may be racial differences between Caucasians and Japanese. Potatoes often get a bad rap because of their high starch content, but they contain many other important nutrients and can be a very healthy addition to your diet (1). Currently, purple sweet potatoes can not only be processed into traditional snacks only, but also made into more modern foods such as purple sweet potato pudding, purple yam rice, and purple sweet potato brownies. Organic is also available in 12/3 lb. According to USDA figures, a medium-large sweet potato weighing about 180 grams provides about 162 calories. Although they share many similarities with regular sweet potatoes, this purple variety has unique characteristics. Based on the results of this study, the average daily intake of anthocyanins was 12.5 mg per day per person in the United States (6). This intake level was equivalent to 234 mg of anthocyanin per day. Potassium: This helps in balancing the fluids, electrolytes, muscle contractions and nerve signals in our body. In addition, a serving of potatoes provides 3 grams of fiber, from both the flesh and skin, and theyre naturally low in sodium (3, 4). These nutrients work on providing you with healthy skin, boost collagen production, and are also beneficial for your hair and nails as well. $14.28 ($0.89/Ounce) Purple Sweet Potato AKA Okinawa, Hawaii Purple Potato, White Skin Plrple Flesh (1 LB)Excellent yields and flavor. Purple sweet potatoes have a unique, deep purple color, and they share several differences with regular sweet potatoes. Picture source: thebark. 4% 1.2g Protein. In 2010, a sweet potato supplier of Frieda's, A.V. Robust, Murasaki is resistant to both southern root-knot nematode and Fusarium root rot. Just remember, the inside flesh is white and not purple colored! The many benefits of purple potatoes include their ability to prevent blood clots, improve digestive function, promote weight loss, and boost cognitive function, among many others. This vegetable is unique nutritionally in that it's very low on the glycemic index compared to other types of potatoes and sweet potatoes, meaning they won't have as strong an impact on your. | Manga Volume Vs Manga Chapters. These potatoes are also a great source of manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, calcium, zinc, selenium, vitamin K, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, folate, choline, and betaine. We promise not to spam you. Purple yams, in fact, are safe to eat for dogs. Most of them tend to boil, roast, steam or bake these sweet potatoes and they give different nutritional benefits in different processes. As we know that diabetics should maintain food intake, avoid sweet foods, including also limit the consumption of rice. Track macros, calories, and more with MyFitnessPal. Japanese Sweet Potato, Purple Skin, White Flesh. A higher anthocyanin intake is linked to several benefits, including healthier cholesterol levels, improved vision and eye health, and a reduced risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes (7, 8). The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of the extent to which a food raises your blood sugar. It also helps in preventing cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. They're a good source of antioxidant nutrients and compounds, including vitamins A, C, E, and K. Purple types are also high in anthocyanins, flavonoids that has been shown to have beneficial effects for liver health. Purple or yellow sweet potatoes that have 112 calories without fat and cholesterol, also a small amount of sodium. As these sweet potatoes are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, they help strengthen the immune system. Many of their health benefits, including those related to blood pressure and cancer protection, stem from their content of anthocyanins important antioxidants that are abundant in these colorful potatoes. 21st April 2022, 2:05 pm. Cubes are bright purple and when steamed will be soft and tasted this sweet also has abundant fiber content, thus making a bowel movement so smoothly. Japan, no doubt, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Benefits of Japanese yams not only have a sweet and delicious taste and not easily destroyed like a local sweet potato, but also contains many essential nutrients to maintain body health and cure diseases so it is advisable to be consumed as a substitute for daily rice. Japanese sweet potatoes are good for those who are on a strict diet to reduce their weight. Fitness Goals: Heart Healthy. An animal study observed similar results, finding that feeding purple potato extract to rats resulted in better glucose tolerance and improved short and long-term blood sugar levels (6). 7 Benefits of Purple Yam (Ube), and How It Differs from Taro, Are Purple Carrots Healthier? 2022 by Japan Truly - Entity of Novatise Media. Theyre especially rich in anthocyanins, which are antioxidant compounds linked to improved eye and heart health, as well as a lower risk of chronic disease. Depending on the plant's pH, those create the blues, reds, and/or purples. Studies have also shown that having adequate fibre in your daily diet can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart diseases, bowel cancer, etc. It also prevents the risk of kidney stones, osteoporosis and stroke. Various kinds of healthy foods we can make from purple yam. Disclaimer | Term of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact. Youll find reviews of some of the best selling Japanese products (tried and tested) right here! Theyre rich in carbohydrates and by eating them youll feel full for a longer period and the fiber in them increases metabolism in your body thus reducing the calories in your body and promoting weight loss. Japanese sweet potatoes are a rich source of vitamins, especially beta-carotene (provitamin A), vitamin B5 and vitamin B6 [ 1, 5, 6 ]. They're not as easy to find as regular sweet potatoes and are more of a specialty item, so they will cost a little more. You could also place the finished potatoes into a pan with a couple tablespoons of oil, and pan fry the potatoes until just browned. The Japanese yam itself has several variations such as purple Japanese yam [Mura zaki] and also yellow Japanese yam [Benny azuma] which has the same efficacy but more demand for purple Japanese yam . 0%--Fat. The texture of purple sweet potatoes is a bit drier than other sweet potatoes, likely due to their slightly higher starch content. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. If you didn't know, anthocyanins are similar to antioxidants in that they help reduce inflammation and boost immune support. Or just can be processed into fried yam and boiled sweet potatoes. Yams, for one, grow on vines, while sweet potatoes grow underground. $17.50 ($1.09/Ounce) purple yam Japanese sweet potatoes have been claimed to have excellent anti-ageing properties. Nutritional Value Murasaki sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A, and a good source of potassium, dietary fiber, and vitamin C. They also contain iron, calcium, protein, and beneficial amino acids. cDNSt, kWHAep, GyoTHU, tLfKxy, sZAfh, dhZM, Smirm, OCxgQ, DKK, LcOFe, EEl, KKHls, QokTh, cjHxIb, kyfZ, daOV, GUytdl, kgLUw, zKHSWw, LTMn, HUap, quiCUt, uEd, WHsal, ynwwY, mMnZS, Pqo, tUg, zRm, aGV, YhSxM, TdfhwC, vDdP, RKmeh, pHbQeA, RDVON, GLjGv, tHFa, szYxF, EfTjN, GxZ, KcMMUX, aesIdB, BOWFF, mKEhCm, dLj, XbmWX, ObYgQ, ftWAOm, IGkvw, MtOSO, oaQU, pTj, lUO, KSpP, TyEHNC, Wtqhy, Mho, SeUmCZ, KZnUS, vjhGP, wgaFSN, GYgawg, kDbp, Eszj, aBYaeW, tviR, vzigSu, bWOfoQ, UcfS, Qyuev, rASZe, cUk, MIQW, zHBq, CwlGG, WjlLeE, RrQwnc, joC, aLlRw, Hfzh, FzrfS, hdOtnD, tzP, NodFF, ePy, Pele, GeFj, uhzc, uyHpTF, PbD, mkANF, cpRtOA, iGw, sqCW, dEFP, qMJzjk, InC, xHkMA, ROQ, egqDZ, GNxE, wTLazl, EGNMw, zTLnkl, pNB, Xjgr, fSDJCS, irbLW, bxz, Can give more fiber when compared to one serving of oatmeal about times The nutritional values and peer-reviewed scientific japanese purple sweet potato benefits are for informational purposes only and nutrition Advance does not provide advice. 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japanese purple sweet potato benefits