what are media objectives

Because the equivalent of the RSMACC Network Health solution is not included in FactoryTalk AssetCentre, Diagnostics and Health information will only be logged if RSNetWorx MD is installed on the system. By default, these are configured within the Default Web Site. If not already available, a Microsoft SQL Server instance must also be installed and available. FactoryTalk AssetCentre Virtual Directories Upon installation, the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server creates two virtual directories linked to the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server installation folders. Ronald F. Clayton Refer to Answer ID 1071414 - Automatically Compare FactoryTalk View SE RecipePro+ Changes Using FactoryTalk AssetCentre for more information. Known Issues Known issues can be found in the Known Issues and Restrictions section of the Release Notes. Design Guide 36 The ProCalV5 client may be installed any time after the ProCalV5 server. Asset Tree Reporting It may be desirable to perform reporting on a FactoryTalk AssetCentre asset tree, such as examining the properties of assets of the same type, querying the total number of a certain type of asset, etc. Controller IO Lifecycle: IO modules of a FactoryTalk AssetCentre asset can be associated to the controller to obtain IO lifecycle information synchronized with the Product Compatibility and Download Center. It is possible to export the HMI server content from within the Archive plugin without the need of checking-out the entire application. See Answer ID 106054 - Working with Large Asset Trees in FactoryTalk AssetCentre for more information, as well as memory recommendations. RSLogix 500 is required to support SLC-500 and MicroLogix processors. The theory and design of camber can be complex and involves many considerations. For example, when a binder is checked out, all of the contents are checked out and placed in the working folder. Note that the host name is not part of this requirement, as each host name will be different. rUswM(BP|.oQa9j *^)oxKHq~*`opp%v28,enV\bKg5GV,=wP:K2g3W.]TW -72)}ks?uwWqXK8r3s 2.1 Page 45 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Disaster Recovery on Remote Computers Disaster Recovery for Remote Computers provides the ability for FactoryTalk AssetCentre to back up and verify the contents of a shared network folder on a computer in the system. 0000001281 00000 n Version control should be monitored to prevent a large number of versions. By default, the Backup operation will upload the assets configuration file and check it into the FactoryTalk AssetCentre Archive without doing any comparisons, regardless of whether or not the file is different from the latest version already checked into the FactoryTalk AssetCentre Archive. is the Asset Tree. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. The utility can be used to export part or all of the asset tree in one FactoryTalk AssetCentre server, then import the section into an existing asset tree. For example, if an agent belongs to the ControlLogix agent group, but not the PLC5 agent group, it would need to have the Logix 5000 software installed but not Logix 500. For more detailed information on granular estimation, see Answer ID 106118 - Determining the Necessary Number of FactoryTalk AssetCentre Agents. The source key path must be configured in the ACD file when logged in as the user configured to run the VerificationAgent service, and the key file must be available on each AssetCentre Agent. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. Note that remote connections to the server must be enabled for the installation of the FactoryTalk AssetCentre database. Install Order A FactoryTalk Network Directory server should be installed and configured first. Computers from which diagnostics information collection is desired must be part of the FactoryTalk Directory where FactoryTalk AssetCentre is configured. or FactoryTalk AssetCentre clients may be co-located with the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server and/or agents. The cache limitation is 4GB. In version 8.00 and higher of FactoryTalk AssetCentre, asset lifecycle information can automatically be synchronized from the Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC). CONVENTIONS Otherwise, only the information imported from RSMACC will appear in the AssetCentre database. In workgroup environments, configure Windows Time to synchronize all the FactoryTalk computer clocks to an authoritative time server (e.g., the FactoryTalk Directory). As of version 6.0 of FactoryTalk AssetCentre, it is also possible to create a Custom Device to service a FactoryTalk View SE HMI server. Because the custom device configuration will execute on the FactoryTalk AssetCentre Agent as a service, operating systems later than Windows Server 2003 are unable to support this behavior. For more information, refer to Answer ID 1083668 FactoryTalk AssetCentre Diagnostics Connector. The application and service cannot run simultaneously. Virtual Environments Virtualization in a production environment is supported. Controller IO lifecycle information is part of Disaster Recovery for Asset Inventory. Renaming the AssetCentre Database While it is possible to rename the FactoryTalk AssetCentre database from the default AssetCentre, it is not recommended. For example, if a file in the RSMACC system was created on 7/18/2006 1:47PM, all the imported labels will show a date and time of 7/18/2006 1:47PM even though the labels were created some time after that. Finally, the AssetCentreUser schema is also created and assigned to the user. Note: There are still a number of single instance domain controller roles that can result in a single point of failure. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. This new Design Guide expands upon Ricker's pioneering paper and is intended to assist those designing camber into their steel projects with the information they need to achieve optimal results. In some architectures, the thin client host will have the design software installed, and a remote session is then opened to the RDS server on which only the FactoryTalk AssetCentre client is installed. Doing so allows Field Edition to operate disconnected from the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server, but requires that a client be installed locally with a scanned catalog. By default, the RSLogix 5000 and Studio 5000 Logix Designer editors automatically create up to 3 backup files from the original *.ACD as operators make edits. A new or empty DTM network will only have one node: the Host PC node. Events are generally system initiated (e.g., a server came online or a scheduled task completed.) Archive Management The FactoryTalk AssetCentre client can be used to run the Archive Cleanup Wizard, which will assist the user in deleting any old/unnecessary file versions stored in the FactoryTalk AssetCentre Archive. While the device name itself should be unique to the device (and not the P&ID number), the Additional Info tab offers multiple fields (P&ID Number, P&ID revision) to help keep track of where a particular device belongs in a given system. Monitoring the same device that is being backed up is fully supported. This is possible by installing the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Connector option, which installs the FactoryTalk AssetCentre common components responsible for driving diagnostic information into the FactoryTalk AssetCentre system from computers without the FactoryTalk AssetCentre client. 01/07/2014 Asset Capacity determines how many different devices a FactoryTalk AssetCentre installation is capable of servicing, and Agent Group Capacity determines how many agent groups can be configured. 2.1 Page 22 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Database Considerations Microsoft SQL (MSSQL) Server is a required component for any FactoryTalk AssetCentre implementation. 2.1 Page 33 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Audit & Event Logs The FactoryTalk AssetCentre server provides Audit and Event log functionality without any additional capability licensing. MSSQL Server Express has a number of limits compared to the Standard version that should be assessed before making a decision for the application in question. This recommendation is intended to limit the risk of the total DTM catalog size becoming too large for the client cache to manage. By default, these comments are left intact. Prior to running the Data Source Configuration wizard, the new database must be configured to match the existing one. This account must also be added to FactoryTalk Security as a windows-linked user and given at least read-access to the FactoryTalk Directory, as well as RSLogix-specific privileges. Design Guide 34 Field Edition New in v3.00, Process Device Configuration Field Edition allows for the management of configuration data in process devices while disconnected from the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server. Installing this piece allows for the capability to be used at a later time, if desired, despite not having the capabilities activated right away. This can be accomplished using the Data Source Configuration utility, found on the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server. This functionality requires the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server to have a connection to the internet, which is used to query the PCDC for asset catalog information. Where possible, set the database's recovery mode to simple and perform Full backups as part of the system backup plan, which will allow for the scheduled shrinking of these logs. While the FactoryTalk AssetCentre client offers the user access to individual assets within the asset tree, broader queries can be accomplished using the SQL Server. 2.1 Page 50 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FactoryTalk AssetCentre Calibration Management Capability The Calibration Management Capability leverages ProCalV5 to allow users to manage the process of calibrating their process devices from within the FactoryTalk AssetCentre client. Rockwell Software does not support its software on computers configured as domain controllers. This component should not be uninstalled independently of the FactoryTalk AssetCentre client component. 2.1 Page 36 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Archive FactoryTalk AssetCentre server provides the Archive capability without any additional capability licensing. Calibration Management Windows Security Settings By design, closing ProCalV5 will cause the software to attempt to make Windows registry edits. There can be only one FactoryTalk AssetCentre server in an architecture, and a FactoryTalk AssetCentre server must belong to only one FactoryTalk Network Directory. In the event of a problem with the upgrade, the system can be reverted back to the backup version of the database with minimal downtime. In FactoryTalk AssetCentre, the PT100 process device asset will only be unlinked from the original, faulty devices record in ProCalV5, and re-linked to the new devices record. 0000132029 00000 n Detailed release information can be found in the Whats new section of the Release Notes. Common RSLinx Classic Drivers If using the RSLinx Classic communications software (e.g., if performing Disaster Recovery operations on a Logix5000 device), all Agents participating in the same Agent Group must use common RSLinx Classic Drivers. Creating this schedule will automatically add any available v20 or higher ControlLogix asset from the point of creation in the asset tree. A summary of the new features and enhancements has also been included in this document: Disaster Recovery for FactoryTalk View Site Edition Applications: A FT View SE asset is now available for Disaster Recovery operations. See Answer ID 54520 Using multiple FactoryTalk AssetCentre Servers with multiple instances of SQL Server on a single host for more information on this architecture. 0000003512 00000 n FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 supports the CPR9 SR11 platform. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. Refer to Answer ID 548234 Deploying a Pre-Configured FactoryTalk AssetCentre System for more information. 0000003742 00000 n 2.1 Page 25 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Changing the Location of an MSSQL Server During the installation of FactoryTalk AssetCentre, a database is selected and configured. with contributions from. This can be changed to a user defined user, but should not be a domain-authenticated user. While this is the most common scenario, it is not required. As of versions 4.0 of FactoryTalk AssetCentre, 6.0 of FactoryTalk View ME, and 5.30 of FactoryTalk Linx, assets were updated to use the IP address of a device instead of its FactoryTalk Linx generated name. This right can be pushed down and locked via a domain policy, thus overriding the default workstation configuration. For example, computer and microscopes Audit & Event logs tie directly into the FactoryTalk Services Platform to receive information from diagnostic-enabled pieces of FactoryTalk software, including FactoryTalk View, RSLogix 5000, and FactoryTalk AssetCentre itself. Archive Check-In with Disaster Recovery Disaster Recovery provides two different basic operations that can affect the archive: Backup and Backup & Compare. Building a Process Device Asset Hierarchy There are five FactoryTalk AssetCentre assets that can be used and linked directly with ProCalV5: System, Equipment, Loop, Instrument, and Test Instrument. It is recommended that this setting be disabled within the Logix editors from Tools -> Options -> Application. Recommended System Limits Observe these limits, from the FactoryTalk AssetCentre reference architecture: The recommended maximum number of FactoryTalk AssetCentre concurrent clients that can have simultaneous access to a FactoryTalk AssetCentre server is 100. m. \s4t"9eCjx@2Ca4="C Depending upon the configuration of the FactoryTalk Network Directory, it is possible to capture the RDS client from which the audit was generated, as well as the FactoryTalk user (Windows linked or otherwise) logged into the RDS session. For details on virtualization support, refer to Answer ID 42682 Rockwell Automation Software Compatibility Matrix. It is also possible to use FactoryTalk Security to add user and group security accounts, as well as Windows-linked accounts, and set up security for actions such as tag writes, open, and delete. Design Guide 3: Serviceability Design Considerations for Steel Buildings -Second Edition. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. It is important to note that FactoryTalk AssetCentre Process Device Configuration provides an FDT window in the form of the FactoryTalk AssetCentre client. FactoryTalk Activation FactoryTalk Activation comes in two different types of configuration options for FactoryTalk AssetCentre: Capacity licensing uses concurrent activations Server and capability licensing uses node-locked activations For more information regarding FactoryTalk Activation, including definitions of concurrent and node-locked activations, refer to: the FactoryTalk Activation On-line Help Answer ID 35251 - FactoryTalk Activation Frequently Asked Questions FactoryTalk AssetCentre Time-Based Activation Answer ID 44623 - What Videos are available on FactoryTalk Activations? 2.1 Page 59 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Time Synchronization The Windows Time service (W32tm.exe) uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize computer clocks on the network. Collapsing sections of the asset tree that are not frequently used can decrease the amount of time needed for a FactoryTalk AssetCentre client to finish loading. As a direct consequence, the MSSQL database size will also expand. In addition to the database, the AssetCentreUser SQL user and AssetCentreUser schema are created. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. Only the configured asset communication software needs to be installed; un-configured assets do not require software (e.g, FactoryTalk Linx does not need to be installed if Disaster Recovery will not extend to PanelView Plus assets.) 2.1 Page 44 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Rockwell Automation Drives Database Updates Disaster Recovery operations can be affected by the availability of Rockwell Automation drives profiles, even if the drive itself is not a configured asset. Asset Extended Properties: FactoryTalk AssetCentre assets can be customized with extended properties to store and associate information-specific to an asset, which includes up to 20 properties. -{K$-FX(>#v"9v[q|}JpbBl%prM(Kkm.Z?G_[K{%;7okUA]`wD,GU?Pvay/m\Ug-";JwVBEVFsa,a"9" Once this is completed, the asset can be updated using the Asset Inventory as with any other asset type. Impulse (psi-msec) For more information on the AutoIt integration, refer to Answer ID 1085184 Building Custom Devices for third-party use with Disaster Recovery. FactoryTalk AssetCentre Agent Service vs Application The FactoryTalk AssetCentre Agent application, introduced in version 6.10, is designed to run with the privileges of the currently logged-in session, including desktop interaction. The RA Motor Control asset corresponds to drives that are configured using UDC within CCW. A FactoryTalk AssetCentre server license comes with 10 assets and 2 agent groups, meaning that up to 10 devices can be serviced and 2 agent groups configured without any additional purchase. 2.1 Page 31 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FactoryTalk AssetCentre AgentController Service As of version 9.00 of FactoryTalk AssetCentre, the Agent Service Logon Configuration tool will only update the VerificationAgent service logon as the AgentController requires the service to be logged on as Local System. In the initial release of this utility, archive assets (files/folders/binders) are not available for import/export operations. If you plan to deploy a FactoryTalk Activation Server, refer to: the FactoryTalk AssetCentre Installation Guide: Installing FactoryTalk Activation, under Chapter 4 Answer ID 41573 - FactoryTalk Activation End User Options File to Include/Exclude Borrowing Activations Answer ID 35708 How to support FactoryTalk Activations in a LAN/WAN Environment FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. Disaster Recovery with Stratix Switches As of version 9.00 of FactoryTalk AssetCentre, a Stratix Switch asset is now available for Disaster Recovery operations. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. As a general recommendation, no more than 500 ControlLogix assets should be configured for use with the Change Detect feature, with a 1:100 maximum ratio of agents to Change Detect assets. For the latest information about the software platforms supported by FactoryTalk AssetCentre, refer to the Product Compatibility and Download Center. Asset Inventory Management with SNMP Devices Asset Inventory SNMP scanning will browse the identified address range, ping each individual address to determine if it is available, and then send an SNMP get-request. The AssetCentre virtual directory must have execute permissions set to Scripts Only. Having execute permissions denied to the directory (selection set to None) will result in the server being unable to start correctly, as IIS will be unable to execute necessary server-side DLLs. By default, the virtual directory inherits the folder permissions set on the windows folder it is linked to (in this case, the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server folder). In this sense, the process device assets act as logical placeholders for the various instruments that compose the process system, which can then be linked to an actual device. See Answer ID 58052 - Number of FactoryTalk AssetCentre Servers Needed. 2022 American Institute of Steel Construction. For other files, like TXT documents, a user-configurable compare utility can be defined. Prepared by: Michael D. Engel, Design Guide 36

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