european royal yachts

And the next thing we want to get is the room details. There's so much to learn, but it's all achievable if you don't give up! When we're defining lists, we need to use a square bracket, I cannot give you some inputs like United Kingdom. And then we can say something like let's do these you typed the name, let's see, age. The only user we are with us, which is the admin. I mean, that is the main purpose of programming, right? Let's run this again and give it a number that can't be divided by five like 106. This means that I already have the rest framework installed. So now that we have all of these issued, why we should be good to go with using our Ajax. So you know, in Python, you can, there's a way we can count the amount of words present in a text. So from Django shortcuts is the command line. If we run these, obviously, we're going to have an error, which is cannot concatenate string and integer. So that's basically I'll just add some simple things in Python, Python lists. So right here, you can see we have a new folder. Meanwhile, his United Kingdom right here, but that's simply because we change it. Now we come here to refresh, boom, you can see now that we have this HTML page, we have a written set of whoever the front end set up. So what I'm going to do now is that I'm not even going to go to my code anymore, I'm just going to come right change my database, I'm going to add a new data. So first to import, we're going to say from math, something like this. Once you type l s, let me just quickly type it right here. And then we have this empty quote or Yeah, I think, then one is empty. When I leave him blank, it means the own URL. So it's either a get method or a POST method to those are the two types that are being used. So play, for example, meaning of order, so order is the key, then the value you are looking for is the definition. So now that we have the three inputs, when I went to use an if statement, so what's going to happen is if the op, which is your operator, is equal to addition. And then use it the way you want tell the user, your name is this your ages this. And then what we need to import is, we're just going to scroll down for over a year we need to import redirect is redirect is going to allow us to say we've created a user successfully, I want to take the user to another page, it will allow us to redirect the user to another page. And for us to do this right here you see we printed only the variable. So once it indents automatically automagically. And then in that new dot p y i want to write and they weren't allowed to write in it. And then, since we have these, or we can just do is to come into room dot html. Now this is going to allow us to include a similar URL from an app path, just like we're making another URL, same thing. Backend Web Development - Python, Django,Databases, Git, API Become a backend developer using :Python, Django, Database Integration, Cloud Deployment , API,Git & Github 4.4 (13 ratings) 2,907 students Created by Bluelime Learning Solutions Last updated 11/2021 English English [Auto] $14.99 $84.99 82% off 5 hours left at this price! So does our dictionary work is very similar to the normal word dictionary. So we want to have like a form right here, which a user will be able to put all the text in, and then we should have a submit button beneath it. Since we already know where it is, what we want to do is use that if statement again, and see that if the user is logged in, then what want to show the is logos where the user is not logged in, what want to show do is login. There we just say mean and then we just say humidity. This is fixture I regard here as drag just beside this because I've ever needed an alert. So we don't need all of these again, get rid of that. Let's see college degree or something like that. So it is just a normal request on this page, he can just render this registered with HTML. I'm not Oh, yeah, I'm opening up a new folder. So now when I run these, you are going to see it prints all these. Now as you can see, I have printed hello world. So right here, if I open this up, this is where I started the template file. Now this variable, I want it to be the age. So now that we have that imported, we can use it in our test view. So we're going to have to open settings.pi and then we're going to scroll up. So that's what comment is for, mainly in Python comments is are mainly programming in general, is useful, explaining our code or is useful, taking down notes in our code very well, like making our code more readable. And so this is just going to install Python on our machine. Now you see that it's printed john, we can also print B one dot h. And they want to see that it prints at seven. In the course, you will learn everything you need to know to start your web development jour. Now when I say the user news, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah y. So I hope you understand what to do with deed in this part. So what wants to do now is that once you get up to the text here, and it's submit, not the URL, we're still in this URL, this page, and then it just passes some data, everything which was written in this place when it's submitted, which in another is passed into the URL, and is saved in like this variable, this key named text. So I must say that Python is an object oriented programming language. So in the last part, I showed you about lists and plenty things you can do at least 20 list attributes. So most of the times this error just stops, our programmers cut our program, if our program is running during a specific task, once an arrow comes up, do program is down. Let's wait for it like two seconds or so. So what we can just do is to just simply say, first of all, before we get all these, we want to check if requests, the method is equals to post. So now, we have talked about doing everything in the command line interface, creating the project. Okay, so now we got office error, it says look available feature reference before assignment. So we're going to talk about sending dynamic data to our template file. I'll let you just take a simple requests. And then this form, let's give it a method. This book is good for professional backend developers. Now have you noticed that let's dive straight into this video. So this is just how to manipulate the data. Now let's talk about serializing, the data that is going out, and I mean, the get method. So I commented that out, because we don't need it, but we just want to do is to show it in our UI. Use clear, precise, and easy-to-understand language. And then now what we just want to do is to say, so we have this PK, and then Kathy return render request, and the list goes does HTML. Now this race is the request was sending to open weather maps. So let's say user name should be equals to. I'm a teacher and developer with So this is requesting for index dot HTML in Templates folder. Yes, it is the fourth year in a row where developers want to learn Python as a priority. Now we go down here, we see that it prints everything named team on everything we need to know about that dictionary. So you're going to see what we're gonna do. Now we have this class here, we can easily import it by saying count can see from import student, which is this right here. So once a user sign up automatically, just gonna add right here or something like that. But when we come here on each refresh, we're gonna see one more minute. Now when I run these you see now and that is brings me only United Kingdom. So for now, you can see that we have Django installed in this environment. And under the I have a new, another folder and a bunch of files. Now for example, you know, when we want to do an addition, we want the user to input an integer. So this is gonna start a new jungle up in our project. And I'm seeing equals two, I put single quotes, and the name is theme. So if I just press A Backspace, now, this is out of this function. And then was the ID buzz? So if a is equals to B bring this, then else means if it's not the opposite of that, then issue just print a is not equals to B. So he wants to know how to read and write that file. So what we're doing is, once a user gets this URL, so let's say is going to be post slash one. This program is ideal for those who like building frameworks, working on So I need to create a new folder in my root directory named template. And if you did, please don't forget to smash the like button and subscribe. It's like a dictionary, this is the key, he says the value. So let's say we have another number named three, once I run it is to print four, because four is greater than all of these for now what if I have 16 once I run it, it gives me 16. So I already have it downloaded on my PC, I'm just going to cancel that since I already have it downloaded. I'm going to show you how to do that in our Visual Studio code. We can also do this using this d l function. What if I do something like the absolutes of these? Actually, I don't want to run the server back. Once I run these, you're gonna see Justin j, i and j U. So this is basically going to get from one which we started to the one before which we end. But we want to get it let's say we have 1000s of lists of values in this list. Don't need to remember to remove this first of all, so it doesn't see no knowledge of it sent. But this is our Visual Studio code looks like. Now, those are busy dictionary functions and dictionary methods. So to use our inputs in Python is pretty easy. Now, we need to make sure that these countries are txt is in the same folder as this Abdo pure so we can easily navigate to it. You will learn how to build a blog application, a social image bookmarking website, an online shop, and an e-learning platform. And then once a user is logged in, we continue to log out. And I'm going to say name, if I save you right here now, so as you can see, now, it says welcome, Patrick. just pasted the essence of the same thing. So as you can see, now we have Django charts. Now that we're able to send in data from this form to our views to our templates, we can easily just get that data and then get the weather situation in that city. So now when I send, because it gives me admin to 27 years old. Now, with type three, knowledge, it's amici. Backend Development is the term for the behind-the-scenes activities that happen when you do anything on a website or web application. So make sure that when you're installing Python, you must stick this out Python to path. So this room is going to be like, we can use another Django model, like a relationship model, like the many to many of you the foreign key to link this with this room. So the reason we add the arrow is because right here is always in a backward slash, but we are using in Python, it has to be in a forward slash. Now as you can see, this then says welcome user the result. Now let's say want to add more than one condition, like if A is equals to true leaf a is equals to false. And we can also do some other things like, let's see, the last thing I want to show you for this part is another way to define a string LMC to assign a string, I mean a list sorry. New Resources are here, try clicking any nodes. Now, for example, we have this class, let's say this class is named person. Now to define a lease is similar to define a variable. It is suitable for both beginners and professionals. So does how to pass in various values, more than one value if we don't know what we are passing. Do we have to do them just quickly bring that back. Say it says the amount of words is three, and then our URL is completely clear. What we just need to do, we need to configure Django to be able to see our HTML files to be able to see our template files, or to be able to look at those files. So before we continue with more concepts in Python, we just want to do a simple Python program with Jack's even number is an even number or an odd number. Just the way I told you that in Python using the notation to end our if statement and our for loop. Now we can count this by, let's see, we can just print it straight, and say, length of sex dot splits. So say if A is true, let's say A is true. 1. So you can also increment these by typing, i plus equals one, the same thing, anyone will walk. So, but there's something I want to talk about more invites submit, you'll see that everything that we wrote in that text area in that text was, it's been sent into the URL, and it's quite lengthy. So I'm going to open folder and then so it should be in. So these two libraries are gonna allow you to be able to connect Postgres to your Django project. Slash with question mark, then I want to pass in some parameters, say Q. With this words, I say, what's now that this counter as this particular data, these yo yo can get that data. That's the example that you've probably already seen at least once. So when we say, print confer the redo, so we're asking is, do we have access to read this file, it says true. So if one of it is not correct, is just going to go to the next statement and skip that statement. Like let's say we have multiple, it's not a good practice to come in and do comma and say, age, and then give it know that you can also do that. So is that the same thing? To do the arts, we can say Len, then we open a bracket and close it. So right here, we can just passing no more number two, and number two as three s3. Normally, we should have something like this right here, what is not yours? So now once I use plus slash is going to be printed with it. And each of them should say is true except for this. So I'm going to remove this string as in my list. It just prints I increase it by six comes back does looping does that code again, increase it by six come back, and then it makes sure that it goes to six. So that's how to build that basic Python program using getting user input. Here you will explore the most important technologies and concepts you need to know to become a market-ready backend developer. But when I click on it, it still goes through that same age, whatever. Once we know how to use something, we become hungry for the why, but if we get the why first, it hardly sticks. So we don't have access, we can read it is going to tell us false or not that this is true, then I think we are good to go. So what we're going to be doing is to tell a user to input a text, and then we're gonna save that text in a variable. So right here, I wanted to add this, but obviously it says, Python says I've closed it. So we can confirm the wind is the root directory by saying Dir. Now you can see that each one has different tasks they do. And then let me just add a print maybe print countries now when I print countries Okay, you see name is not defined as because we've removed this very good I was gardening. But we'll also is an API view, we want to obviously send a response. But this time around, we're just testing we get so get. So as you can see here, it says, create your account. pdf] if you are using Windows, Put this script in the book repo, So we're going to be like get messages slash back end developers, they will say views that get messages and the room gets messages. So this is just going to make sure that all the styling doesn't show. But why aren't we seeing it here? But before we can do that, first of all have to import each year. So now we don't really have any other URL, let's go and create that. Now this is going to get the least from the last value in that list. And then the third one is what wants to replace it with. Now, these authentication is going to allow us to protect our API endpoint. Now we have four year versus we appended one, it should give us five. Chapter 8: The Template Method Pattern This is about encapsulating pieces of algorithms so that subclasses can hook themselves into a computation whenever. So we have Tommy's blood, we about to deploy Django projects, we have the date and the exact time we created this. Now we'll say print list true, you're gonna bring me all these with Jerry. Now, you know, We didn't design or this page or this fancy UI that we're seeing, we didn't design. And this is a list of the objects in the student model, which is basically all the data in that site. Now once I try to print strings, you see that everything works fine. Now want to create an object, this is actually a value, or I can say an attribute on the class. So we're gonna have to put something like esoteric. Now let me show you how to write a topple in Python. So right here, if I just search for London, and I click enter, it says London, it gives me the country code, the coordinates, the temperature, the pressure and the humidity. Well, I just want to do is to create a new tab right here. So name equals input your name and then age will be equals input your age. So now I'm going to pop up a new terminal. Now it says the input username, I'm just going to input admin, and it says we should input password. We just type print, and then we just go ahead and type the number 78. So this room is just specifying the room ID of the message that this that this message belongs to. I don't know I'm just giving it any room and then less and US team to now enter the room because he is blank for now. So when I'm using the list constructor, it has to be double like this. But let's say we want to get the value of five. So this line of code says directory so I don't need to go to the base directory. Surely Joe's not run anything? So down here, we can also say, country file, dot close. What if we close this command line, or we close this command prompt and come back, you know, we aren't going to see this my app again. But now we just shrink 55 also boys a string. And then we can say, and word to replace. Now it prints out the integer and he says nothing went wrong. Because we felt that normally, Django doesn't take time to run by guest causes a new project, and we're running for the first time. For this video, I'm going to be showing you how to connect Postgres database into your Django project. Oh, no. So right here, it says if count, concatenate string an integer, that means you can add them both together. So you can just use it to explain your code. So this first of all, is the user name of the person that sent the message. So now that we have postman installed, I have it open right here. So if a user inputs A sentence, like I am a boy, and he later wants to change our boy to let's say, a guy or something else. This app, when we use a POST method, the information in which was sending is not going to be shown in the URL. So now to be able to, to set up this authentication, we need to come back into our code. So let's go ahead and fix that we're going to create a new URL for the login, our gonna allow a user to log into the site, then when a user logs into the sites, instead of just showing all these dummy or starting data. Instead of using pop, we can do this exact same thing. And then this should be the room underscore ID. And then we can just even delete these objects in total by just saying delete p one, once we run this, this is gonna be deleted. And then right here, we're collecting data and then filtering it, which is good. And then let's say we have curly braces, and then we have name. So whenever we are using an integer or number, we don't add code when we are assigning the variable. So right here, I have this post, I can click on this post to read everything right there. So the reason is because let me come back here is because we are not Supposed to pass a dictionary on, you know this like this. Now you see cannot concatenate string, I know those types of stuff. So this is the value and this is the key assigned to this value. So let's do make sure we're passing in john. We are 50 we have 70 So pratiques, it gives me minus 20, which is the correct answer analysis for the multiplication 40, we have four. I'm also going to explain that later in this course. So what we're doing is we're saying if data does contract code, that means if we have anything like this, then you show all of these words, even though it's obviously this will not be there. But once you just put the password of that particular user on it st is going to show you the authentication token for that user, basically. Then I can specify a new variable, I can name it number two, and I want this number to be a string. Gonna take two underscores in it like that, then you're gonna have some parameters self. And then you know, in normal HTML, what we just need to do is to say, link, and then we just say real data sheet. With so many books out there to learn backend development, the readers are left confused deciding which one to buy. So let's come up here above the form, right, is have an h1, which just says inputs, your texts below. And then we just have a form can just leave it blank for now. Back-end developers are paid more as compared to front-end developers. Now, you can see that we have Django installed on our computer. Slash download now means that when a user goes to our website slash download, then this is what you happen. Now, this is going to allow us to create a new project Django admin start project, then the name of the project after so if you're working on, let's say, an online search engine, or you want to name it, getting search, auto massage, or whatever you want to name it. So you know, when you first open your terminal or command line, the first thing you're gonna see is the directory where you are in a virtual environment, you will first see the name of the virtual environment in brackets, and then the directory that should show you that you are in Dev and driver match. Work fast with our official CLI. Then pressure, which is DS unlimited D so ever these which we need. So right now, right here, what we're just going to simply do is come here, when make sure that you set an action. And then once we print, we can still go ahead and print. So this is i less than want to get the index number of I, as we know this is zero, and one. So that is basically out to do a basic URL routing. Okay, this should have a lot of CSS in it. And then it is going to come into our file, create a new function, gets messages should take a request. So this basic function now is just simply going to return nine, because that's 5.4. So in this file does where I'm going to code just like a normal Django project. So now that we have imported OS, but we just want to do is go Going down. So let's just change it to testicle does looks more makes more sense. Now it's going to print to me that this is a list down here. But we didn't have any variable like that before. So we're just gonna automatically get an input First of all, and make sure it's an integer. Just have a key and a value, who say amount of words to say amount, and then want to give it amount of words. Or, you know, anytime we're dealing with numbers in Python, we don't need the quotes, we can just say 34. And then that say, I function, I just wanted to print. And then requests for now want to request for home dot html. There's also something we call the break. So and for now, let's just do the messages, a simple styling, so we can see this. So that's how to basically print dude that now let's talk about the init function. And we are slash download because I know that URL, we have to configure all of these inside our Django project that is what is called URL routing, or URL mapping, or URL configuration. So let's first see that change and make sure everything is working. After that, you are going to get introduced into API's with Django, you will learn how you can view the rest API's in Django using the Django rest framework. So we're gonna get that room and then create a new room with that particular name. And I give those numbers, I want your writing the top, which means a normal bracket, no square brackets, so 123. But now what we want to do is I want to show all those messages, if there is any error, see these messages, we need to show it right here if any error occurs. But now I want to make this JSON data, I want to change it to like a dictionary, a Python dictionary. That's how you can easily authorize or authenticate in your Django rest framework. If it's true, then it should be true, unless there's a lie, and it should be forced. So we can see that the website loads successfully. For one, we just create a new Django project, that template I was going to show you see now to get rid of that and input our own response. So now we just added a new data right here in this our small database. And then after saying this, the second parameter This is going to take is R. Now what these are means is we want to read on this file. So we'll say from Django dot HTTP, import, HTTP response. Now this part is going to allow us to us multiple URLs in our list. So now you can see what we have is fast, we don't just have whatever was there again. Yeah, so you're gonna see the latest version, yeah, and you can just easily click on this to download it. In views, we're gonna use something called permissions, these permissions is from the rest framework. So we can see from imports, permission is correct. Then once we know a form is coming, we just need to collect the form, say request dot post CT. Now, this city is this index, this input right here you can see there's a name of city, if I change this to place, then also needs to come here and changes to place. We are going to do something like list one dot append dot extend want to extend it with listen to now also drains least one What is this gonna give me is the these joint with these. So by just going to do is to say return response of data. So we're gonna make this dynamic or dispose dynamic recognizes static posts there is there which is just this, we're gonna get all these from our database soon we're writing these. But let's say we want to put in a value in between one of these, like we have multiples in a value in between banana and apple. That's just where we import the serializers. Or then on the year, we can see x equals to five. So for the body, I want to have this report. We are just going to install it on our command line right here. And then the date is automatically going to get the latest date the correct time. Now what this is saying is that once a user comes to the home, which is just the main website, it should include the own URL in posts that you are opposed to Yara is our app dot URLs, which is this. So this Python program we're going to build is gonna get whether the password is right, or the username is right or not.

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