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Hinduism (/ h n d u z m /) is an Indian religion or dharma, a religious and universal order or way of life by which followers abide. [51][52] Some 660 people were killed (430 Muslims, 230 Hindus), 1074 people were injured and over 48,000 lost their property. In 1813, the East India Company charter was amended to allow for government sponsored missionary activity across British India. He has three eyes and, according to different myths, either two or four hands. [138] In Karnataka, religious violence was targeted against Christians in 2008. The resulting religious riots caused at least 1200 deaths. [g][72][73], Salah satu masalah dalam merumuskan satu definisi tentang istilah "agama Hindu" adalah adanya fakta bahwa agama Hindu tidak didirikan oleh seorang tokoh. Nomenclature. Tulsi is a symbol of purity and good luck. Istilah Hinduism diserap ke dalam bahasa Inggris pada abad ke-19 untuk menyebut tradisi keagamaan, filasat, dan kebudayaan asli India. There is no officially declared Hindu country in the world as there are Islamic and Christian countries. Menurut Michaels: "Mereka menyebut diri sebagai. They speak all the Indian languages like Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Malayalam, Gujarati, Kashmiri, etc. They declare her to be an essence of her own form (svarupa) of the Mahadevi. [114] Sangh leaders[115][116] as well as the Gujarat government[117][118] maintain that the violence was rioting or inter-communal clashesspontaneous and uncontrollable reaction to the Godhra train burning. Yoga mengarahkan umat Hindu untuk mencapai tujuan hidup yang spiritual (moksa, samadhi, atau nirwana), baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. [12], Pada masa kini, istilah [Sanatana-dharma] itu pun digunakan oleh para pemuka, reformis, dan nasionalis Hindu untuk menyebut Hinduisme sebagai suatu agama dunia yang bersatu. Shiva is sometimes shown with a blissful smile on his face. [54] In June 1984, under orders from Indira Gandhi, the Indian army attacked the Golden temple with tanks and armoured vehicles, due to the presence of Sikh Khalistanis armed with weapons inside. Ada aturan yang mengisyaratkan bagaimana kondisi-kondisi yang dikatakan tercemar atau tak murni lagi, sehingga pelaksana upacara harus melakukan pembersihan atau pemurnian kembali sebelum upacara dimulai. Dalam teks berbahasa Arab, al-Hind adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut suku bangsa di suatu daerah yang kini disebut India, sedangkan 'Hindu' atau 'Hindoo' digunakan sejak akhir abad ke-18 dan seterusnya oleh orang Inggris untuk menyebut penduduk 'Hindustan', yaitu bangsa di sebelah barat daya India. Indra and Brahma are both cursed because of their weak characters. 12. The word Swastika can be broken as Su+Asti+ka where Su means good and Asti means it really is and ka makes the word a noun. Mostly sung by male vocalists, today women have taken to this form of music. Hunter, William W., The Imperial Gazetteer of India, Trubner & Co, 1886. [9]:70, Other origin stories involve Parvati and Shiva. [338][13] Gagasan tersebut diambil alih oleh beberapa gerakan reformasi Hindu seperti Brahmo Samaj, yang didukung untuk sesaat oleh Gereja Unitarian,[339] bersama dengan gagasan Universalisme dan Perenialisme, yaitu gagasan bahwa seluruh agama memiliki dasar mistisisme yang sama. Brahmacharya (Avoiding promiscuity in thoughts, word, and deed). [255], Menurut antropolog Gregory Possehl, peradaban lembah sungai Indus (26001900SM) mengandung titik pangkal yang logis, atau mungkin arbitrer, bagi beberapa aspek pada tradisi Hindu di kemudian hari. He is the great ascetic, the master of fertility, the master of poison and medicine, and Lord of Cattle. The implication is that Mahakali subsumes and is responsible for the powers that these deities possess and this is in line with the interpretation that Mahakali is identical with Brahman. According to Bhagavad-Gita, whenever Dharma weakens or the sins on the earth increase to the limit, Lord Vishnu incarnates on the earth and removes the sinners and protects the earth. [386] Pada umumnya, pengorbanan hewan dilakukan oleh umat Hindu dari aliran Sakta,[387] (beberapa) komunitas Hindu dari golongan sudra dan kesatria,[388][389] penganut aliran Hinduisme di India Timur,[386] serta penganut aliran Hinduisme di Asia Tenggara. shiva is god fo gods(mahadev) lord vishu 2nd ,am i right. Hinduism should get the credit for that. Banyak mazhab Hinduisme mengajarkan bahwa berbagai yoga secara alami berbaur dan mendukung pelaksanaan yoga lainnya. 10. Bagian pertama dalam kehidupan seseorang adalah Brahmacari, yaitu masa menuntut ilmu. [17][18][19], The Divyavadana (divine stories), an anthology of Buddhist mythical tales on morals and ethics, many using talking birds and animals, was written in about 2nd century AD. Were she not merciless, would she kick the breast of her lord? [9]:125126 Rmprasd comments in many of his other songs that Kli is indifferent to his wellbeing, causes him to suffer, brings his worldly desires to nothing and his worldly goods to ruin. These are some useful Hindu mantras for health . Melalui bhakti (pengabdian kepada Tuhan), seorang hina dina dapat menjadi suci dan derajatnya pun meningkat.[357]. She is given the epithet Cu (Chamunda), i.e. Ajaran Smarta yang monistis memandang bahwa seluruh nama-nama ilahi seperti Wisnu, Siwa, Ganesa, Sakti, Surya, dan Skanda sesungguhnya manifestasi dari Brahman yang Maha Esa. "[9]:70 She is often regarded as the Shakti of Shiva, and is closely associated with him in various Puranas. Adapun enam tipe tersebut sebagai berikut:[90], Menurut Axel Michaels, ada tiga bentuk religi (agama) Hindu dan empat macam religiositas (pengabdian) umat Hindu.[77]. Vamakali is usually worshipped by non-householders. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). 13. Praktik ini memiliki bentuk beragam: dapat berupa mantra semata atau kirtan, atau berupa dhrupad atau kriti dengan musik berdasarkan raga dan tala menurut musik klasik India. It comprises three Sanskrit letters, namely A, U, and M, and is written as No. [19] Istilah Arab tersebut berasal istilah Persia Hind, yang mengacu kepada seluruh suku di India. Di samping itu, agama Hindu tidak mengenal satu sistem saja untuk mencari "keselamatan" (salvation),[16] namun mengandung sejumlah aliran dan berbagai bentuk tradisi keagamaan. Pengikut mazhab Dwaita (dualistis) memandang individu sebagai bagian dari Brahman, dan setelah mencapai moksa, mereka yakin akan memperoleh kekekalan di loka bersama dengan manifestasi Iswara yang dipilihnya. The Sanskrit word for the symbol is Pratik, which is derived from the root Prati (going towards). He wears a garland of skulls and a serpent around his neck and carries in his two (sometimes four) hands a deerskin, a trident, a small hand drum, or a club with a skull at the end. 15001100SM), suku-suku penganut Weda merupakan suku penggembala, berkelana di sekitar India sebelah barat laut. [96][97] Tetapi pada masa kini, umat Hindu menerima pengaruh dari Barat tentang pengadaan konversi agama. Pembangunan kuil dan tata cara persembahyangan diatur dalam beberapa kitab berbahasa Sanskerta yang disebut Agama, yang berhubungan dengan dewa-dewi individual. [citation needed] The reversal did little to calm the religious violence in India, and Bengal alone witnessed at least nine violent riots, between Muslims and Hindus, in the 1910s through the 1930s. Aliran lainnya seperti Ganapatya (pemujaan terhadap Ganesa) dan Saura (pemujaan terhadap Surya) kurang menyebar secara luas. [323] Siwa menyerap kultus-kultus lokal dengan menambahkan kata Isa atau Iswara pada nama dewa-dewa lokal, contohnya Buteswara, Hatakeswara, Candeswara. Men call you merciful, but there is no trace of mercy in you, Mother. Menurut Venkataraman dan Deshpande: "Diskriminasi berdasarkan kasta masih ada di benyak wilayah India masa kini Diskriminasi berdasarkan kasta pada dasarnya bertentangan dengan ajaran esensial kitab suci Hindu bahwa sifat-sifat ketuhanan terdapat dalam setiap makhluk.". Berdasarkan pemikiran-pemikiran tersebut, Ferro-Luzzi menulis suatu 'pendekatan Teori Prototipe' untuk mendefinisikan Hinduisme. Only the name has changed. Each Hindu symbol has a different meaning and is used on different occasions. [22][23] Sejak 1990-an, pengaruh-pengaruh beserta dampaknya telah menjadi topik perdebatan di kalangan ahli Hindu,[22] dan turut dicampuri oleh kritik-kritik terhadap India menurut pandangan Barat. Hinduism is the unique religion which had no force to worship it only says do good karma and have good karma in return it says you respects your own mother and father and pray them more than god because if you pray to them its mean you had prayed god if you dont respect them and go to temple and pray to god its useless never hurt your parents they are god on this earth. So, the way of life those people were following is called Hinduism. [201][202], Konseptualisasi moksa berbeda-beda tergantung mazhab atau aliran Hinduisme. [356] But the most popular of these gods and goddesses are important deities in their own right. Kitab Tantra memuat tentang cara pemujaan masing-masing aliran dalam agama Hindu. These symbols vary according to the region. The cow is a symbol of good nature, purity, motherhood, and prosperity. Question: Which Hindu deity is worshipped as the eighth incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu and also as a supreme god in his own right? [43], Annie Besant wrote about the riots: "They Moplahs murdered and plundered abundantly, and killed or drove away all Hindus who would not apostatise. [71][72][73], The Christian separatist group National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) has proclaimed bans on Hindu worship and has attacked animist Reangs and Hindu Jamatia tribesmen in the state of Tripura. [20], Kali is often shown standing with her right foot on Shiva's chest. It implies that symbols help us go towards God. Such gifts are traditionally given with the right hand. A Nandi is always found in front of a Shivlinga. It also represents past, present, and future. The chant of the first chapter of Durga Saptashati is considered a very important hymn to Sri Mahakali as Devi Mahatmyam / Durga Saptashati dates back to the Upanishadic Era of Indological literature. On 2 May 2003, eight Hindus were killed by a Muslim mob, in what is believed to be a sequel to the earlier incident. There was no religion named hinduism as a matter of fact. [266][267][268], Meskipun kepercayaan dan praktik pada masa Hinduisme Praklasik boleh jadi berasal dari bahan-bahan agama Proto-Indo-Eropa (yang masih hipotesis),[269] sastra yang mendasari tradisi pada masa itu adalah Weda Samhita, sehingga periode tersebut dinamai demikian. [19]:3639. When Madhu and Kaitabha were enchanted by Mahakali, Vishnu killed them. [37] The rising political movement for independence of India, and colonial government's administrative strategies to neutralize it, pressed the British to make the first attempt to partition the most populous province of India, Bengal. Hence, Hindus use cow urine as a medicine only. Similar to Kali, Mahakali is a fierce goddess associated with universal power, time, life, death, and both rebirth and liberation.She is the consort of Bhairava, the god of consciousness, the basis of reality and existence. A few decades back, Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Maths, and Hypnotism were considered superstitions and/or rubbish, but with the advent of modern science, it is proved that these things are very helpful for us. Umat Hindu menganjurkan praktik ahimsa (ahis; artinya "tanpa kekerasan") dan penghormatan kepada seluruh bentuk kehidupan karena mereka meyakini bahwa "percikan dari Tuhan" juga meresap ke dalam setiap makhluk hidup, termasuk tumbuhan dan hewan. She is regarded as the ultimate manifestation of Shakti, and the mother of all living beings. [85], In the 2010 Deganga riots after hundreds of Hindu business establishments and residences were looted, destroyed and burnt, dozens of Hindus were killed or severely injured and several Hindu temples desecrated and vandalised by the Islamist mobs allegedly led by Trinamul Congress MP Haji Nurul Islam. The yogis/rishises have been proved right. Hindus believe that Brahma created this world, so he is termed as creator. Ancient and Medieval History of India (Book). Dengan penganut sekitar 1 miliar jiwa,[15] agama Hindu merupakan agama terbesar ketiga di dunia, setelah Kristen dan Islam. [24][5]:237 In Bengal also, Kali's protruding tongue is "widely accepted as a sign of speechless embarrassment: a gesture very common among Bengalis. One version of the origin of her name comes from the story of Yama, lord of death, who lives in the south (dakshina). Pustaka-pustaka tersebut digolongkan menjadi dua kelas: Sruti dan Smerti. 27. This is because Kali likes devotees who have childlike qualities in them. Realisasi semacam itu membebaskan seseorang dari samsara dan mengakhiri siklus lahir kembali. [9]:122124 This is clear in the work of the Karpuradi-stotra,[28] short praise of Kli describing the Pancatattva ritual unto her, performed on cremation grounds. Some Hindus believe that if you die in Kashi, you would attend salvation. Kitab lain yang tergolong ke dalam Smerti meliputi Dewimahatmya (Devmahtmya), Tantra, Yogasutra, Tirumantiram, Siwasutra, dan Agama (gama). we embrace all religions and all sects. Dikatakan bahwa Tuhan merupakan gagasan metafisik yang dibuat untuk suatu keadaan. Two of these hands (usually the left) are holding a sword and a severed head. [2][3], Despite the secular and religiously tolerant constitution of India, broad religious representation in various aspects of society including the government, the active role played by autonomous bodies such as National Human Rights Commission of India and National Commission for Minorities, and the ground-level work being done by non-governmental organisations, sporadic and sometimes serious acts of religious violence tend to occur as the root causes of religious violence often run deep in history, religious activities, and politics of India. Large-scale religious violence and riots have periodically occurred in India since its independence from British colonial rule. Somewhere about a lakh (100,000) of people were driven from their homes with nothing but their clothes they had on, stripped of everything. [41], The tongue and lips logo of the band The Rolling Stones, created in 1971, was inspired by the stuck-out tongue of Kali. Most artworks show Kali standing on her husband, Shiva, while holding a decapitated head in one of her hands. [101] Dalam tubuh agama Hindu, perbedaan pada setiap tradisibahkan pada agama laintidak untuk diperkarakan, karena ada keyakinan bahwa setiap orang memuja Tuhan yang sama dengan nama yang berbeda, entah disadari atau tidak oleh umat bersangkutan. Meskipun Islam sudah datang ke India sejak awal abad ke-7 (seiring dengan kedatangan para pedagang Arab dan penaklukan Sindhu), agama tersebut menjadi agama utama selama periode penaklukan Islam di Asia Selatan pada masa selanjutnya. 5. It is an emblem of Hindu God, Lord Vishnu. Secara tradisional, kehidupan umat Hindu terbagi menjadi empat rama atau caturasrama (empat fase atau empat tahapan). Dalam agama Hindu, tujuan hidup sejatiyang disebut sebagai moksa, nirwana, atau semadidipahami dalam berbagai arti: realisasi penyatuan jiwa dengan Tuhan; realisasi hubungan kekal dengan Tuhan; realisasi dari penyatuan seluruh hal yang ada; wawas diri sempurna serta pengetahuan akan diri yang sejati; pencapaian atas kedamaian batin yang sempurna; dan pelepasan dari segala keinginan duniawi. [147], For 2012,[10] there were 93 deaths in India from many incidences of communal violence (or 0.007 fatalities per 100,000 people). [87] Baik cendekiawan India ataupun Eropayang mempopulerkan istilah "Hinduisme" pada abad ke-19telah mendapat pengaruh dari filsafat tersebut. [13], The Kalika Purana describes Kali as possessing a soothing dark complexion, as perfectly beautiful, riding a lion, four-armed, holding a sword and blue lotus, while her right hands are in varabhaya posture, her hair unrestrained, body firm and youthful. One of those avatars is Kali, a demon-like monster with an insatiable appetite for destruction. Shiva is represented in a variety of forms: existing peacefully with his consort Parvati and son Skanda, as the cosmic dancer Nataraja, as a naked ascetic, as a beggar, as a yogi, as a Dalit with a dog, and as the androgynous union of himself and his female consort. [28] Hal ini mengacu pada suatu kecenderungan untuk menegaskan sastra dan keyakinan terhadap Weda sebagai "esensi" bagi praktik keagamaan Hindu pada umumnya, serta bagi hubungan 'doktrin Hindu' masa kini dengan berbagai perguruan Wedanta (khususnya Adwaita Wedanta). The languages Hindus use vary according to regions. Respected sir, Gaudiya" refers to the Gaura or Gaua region of Bengal, with Vaishnavism meaning "the worship of Vishnu".Specifically, it is part of KrishnaismKrishna-centric Vaishnavite traditions. [231] Smart[232] dan Michaels[233] tampaknya mengikuti periodisasi menurut Mill,[j] sedangkan Flood[234] dan Muesse[236][237] mengikuti periodisasi yang terbagi menjadi periode kuno, klasik, pertengahan, dan modern.[238]. [108] Menurut tokoh spiritual Hindu Swami Vivekananda, setiap orang tidak hanya patut menghargai agama lain, tapi juga merangkulnya dengan pikiran yang baik, dan kebenaran itulah yang merupakan dasar bagi setiap agama.[109]. It is a very scientific kind of thing. In Orissa, starting December 2007, Christians have been attacked in Kandhamal and other districts, resulting in the deaths of two Hindus and one Christian, and the destruction of houses and churches. [87][88], Religious violence has led to the death, injuries and damage to numerous Hindus. The society tree branched into four classes of Brahman (the teacher), Kshatriya (the protector), Vaishya (the merchant), and Kshudra (the labor). It is the sound heard at the time of the creation of the universe. Kaum brahmana melestarikan kitab-kitab Hindu yang kemudian diteliti oleh orang-orang Eropa. In these riots, the victims have included many Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Christians and Buddhists. Hinduism have a reality and only facts things. alcohol). Her hair is disheveled, small fangs sometimes protrude out of her mouth, and her tongue is lolling. The flower of the lotus is of great importance in Hinduism. I am married to christian girl. sadly we as human in Kalyug are the leaves that create a boundry between the different religions. "[44] Sebagian perkembangannya disebabkan oleh "re-enkulturasi" atau efek Pizza, yaitu suatu kondisi ketika unsur-unsur kebudayaan Hindu diperkenalkan ke Dunia Barat, lalu mendapatkan popularitas di sana, dan sebagai akibatnya juga mendapatkan popularitas yang lebih besar di India.[45]. [119][120], The February 2020 North East Delhi riots, which left more than 40 dead and hundreds injured, were triggered by protests against a citizenship law seen by many critics as anti-Muslim and part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist agenda.[121][122][123]. Halaman ini terakhir diubah pada 14 Oktober 2022, pukul 17.03. Parents, teachers, and food are considered next to God. Location: Most Hindus live in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka with a considerable presence in all other parts of the world. Agama Hindu mengandung suatu konsep filosofis yang disebut Brahman, yang sering didefinisikan sebagai kenyataan sejati, esensi bagi segala hal, atau sukma alam semesta yang menjadi asal usul serta sandaran bagi segala sesuatu dan fenomena. Ideologi Hindutva dan politik Hindu muncul pada abad ke-20 sebagai kekuatan politis dan jati diri bangsa India. Kinsley writes that Kali represents "Durga's personified wrath, her embodied fury". [3], Kl is the feminine form of "time" or "the fullness of time" with the masculine noun "kla", which is a name of Shiva. Thanx. A common interpretation is that Shiva symbolizes purusha, the universal unchanging aspect of reality, or pure consciousness. Parvati is one of many avatars of Devi, the supreme goddess in Hinduism. Kali eventually defeats him by sucking his blood before it can reach the ground, and eating the numerous clones. Kali represents Prakriti, nature or matter, sometimes seen as having a feminine quality. Lingam is the representation of Lord Shiva through which Lord Shiva is worshipped mostly. The interpretation of this Hindu symbol is controversial as some people believe that it is a union of the Linga of Shiva and Yoni of Shakti while others believe that it represents the infinite nature of Shiva. [44][45], After the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the British colonial government followed a divide-and-rule policy, exploiting existing differences between communities, to prevent similar revolts from taking place. & i wanna ask something, if u see the site of iskcon(lord krishnas orgnisation) and search about lord shiva ull find that shiva is the biggest devotee of lord vishnu & nothing else & certain lines on lord shiva are not at all fair, this is one of the problem in our hinduism that we dont have proper unity. The Niruttara-tantra and the Picchila-tantra declare all of Kli's mantras to be the greatest and the Yogini-tantra, Kamakhya-tantra and the Niruttara-tantra all proclaim Kli vidyas (manifestations of Mahadevi, or "divinity itself"). Ahimsa adalah yang pertama di antara lima yama (pancayamabrata; lima prinsip pengendalian diri) dalam Yogasutra Patanjali,[372] dan menjadi prinsip pertama bagi seluruh anggota Warnasramadarma (brahmana, kesatria, waisya, dan sudra) menurut Manusmerti. we as humans need to live together as one. [218] Di antara pustaka suci tersebut, Weda merupakan yang paling tua, yang diikuti dengan Upanishad sebagai susastra dasar yang sangat penting dalam mempelajari filsafat Hindu. Sejumlah gerakan keagamaan terkategorikan ke dalam salah satu aliran besar Hinduisme, contohnya Gerakan Hare Krishna terkategorikan ke dalam golongan Waisnawa. There have been substantial pieces of evidence that Hinduism had spread all over the world including Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, the USA, Italy, and many other parts of the world. Hinduism was a name given to us by the Zoroastrians of Persia, not Arabs. His combined roles are exemplary of a tendency in Hinduism to see complementary qualities in a single ambiguous figure. This can symbolize the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet and therefore as the primordial sound of Aum from which all creation proceeds. Gerakan ini berfokus kepada Weda dan yadnya (yaja; ritus keagamaan berdasarkan Weda). Praktik keagamaan Hindu biasanya bertujuan untuk mencari kesadaran akan Tuhan, dan kadang kala mencari anugerah dari para dewa. Kali is an essential aspect of Shiva worship; depictions of her often show her trampling him. A few authors have drawn parallels between Kali worship and the ceremonies of the annual pilgrimage in honor of Saint Sarah, also known as Sara-la-Kali ("Sara the Black", Romani: Sara e Kali), held at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, a place of pilgrimage for Roma in the Camargue, in southern France. Sudarshan Chakra is a weapon as well as a symbol of Lord Vishnu. It is considered sacred and is worn in pendants, rings, printed on T-shirts, cups, temple walls. Among his common epithets are Shambhu (Benign), Shankara (Beneficent), Mahesha (Great Lord), and Mahadeva (Great God). The Hindu calendar is lunisolar but most festival dates are specified using the lunar portion of the calendar. According to Hinduism, the human body is perishable but the soul is immortal and is subjected to the continuous cycle of birth and rebirth. Contohnya praktik jnanayoga, yang dianggap pasti mengarahkan seseorang untuk memberikan kasih sayang murni (tujuan utama bhaktiyoga), dan demikian sebaliknya. With the exception of being associated with Parvati as Shiva's consort, Kli is rarely pictured in Hindu legends and iconography as a motherly figure until Bengali devotions beginning in the early eighteenth century. [36] The British favoured Muslims in the early period of colonial rule to gain influence in Mughal India, but underwent a shift in policies after the 1857 rebellion. Hinduism is way of life and not a religion. 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Different sects believe in different deities as Supreme e.g. Every person in this world whther he is from India or America belong to the same species known as Human. Since the late 20th century, feminist scholars and writers in the United States have seen Kali as a symbol of feminine empowerment, while members of New Age movements have found theologically and sexually liberating inspiration in her more violent sexual manifestations. [28] The missionaries soon spread almost everywhere and started denigrating Hindu and Islamic practices like Sati and child marriage, as well as promoting Christianity. Enam di antaranya merupakan filsafat Hindu klasik (astika) yang mengakui otoritas Weda sebagai kitab suci. Mahakali (Sanskrit: Mahkl, Devanagari: , Bengali: ), literally translated as "Great Kali," is sometimes considered as a greater form of Kali, identified with the Ultimate reality of Brahman. Hindu philosophy is divided broadly into six different parts called as Darshanas. Swastika looks like a Nazi symbol. Adhering to view, British records call it a British-Muslim revolt. [284] Istilah reta juga dikenal dalam agama Proto-Indo-Iran, yaitu agama orang-orang Indo-Iran sebelum kehadiran kitab-kitab Weda (Indo-Aryan) dan Zoroastrianisme (Iran). The swastika is the second most important of all Hindu symbols. The institution of marriage was founded and put forth in practice by Hindus. I was taught by my father on a trip to India that the Swastika also has four dots and can only be found on the entrances of Hindu Temples. Tokoh Hindu yang berpengaruh pada abad ke-20 adalah Ramana Maharshi, B.K.S. Sedangkan Siwa adalah Sang Pelebur, sehingga ia membutuhkan Dewi Parwati, Durga, atau Kali sebagai kekuatannya.

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