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The Wilhelm Gustloff was considered one of the biggest naval disasters ever recorded in history. Marinesko was posthumously awarded Hero of the Soviet Union by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990, Nick Knight is one of the authors writing for The Vintage News, Join 1000s of subscribers and receive the best Vintage News in your mailbox for FREE, Style in the Sky: Vintage photos show how Flight Attendants used to wear the coolest uniforms EVER, 13 Rarely seen photos of Brigitte Bardot taken by The First Paparazzo, Police arrest a 72-year-old suburban grandfather suspected of being the Golden State Killer, Im not dead yet: some Buddhist monks followed self-mummification, Project Azorian: Howard Hughes secret mission, 1960s U.S. satellite that started transmitting again in 2013, The Walk of Shame in Game of Thrones historical inspiration, The only unsolved skyjacking case in U.S. history might have a break, Kurt Gdel became too paranoid to eat and died of starvation, Little Ease: One of the most feared torture devices in the Tower of London, The humble English girl who became Cora Pearl, Walt Disney softened the original Snow White story. [6] On May 17, 1945[7] shortly after V-E Day Frankfurter was pardoned by a Swiss court.[7]. Nine vessels took on survivors throughout the night. During a U.S. air attack on the harbour on October 9, 1943, the ship took minor damage. Ironically, the only known high-profile mention of this tragedy is a front-page newspaper story in Nachrichten fr die Truppe (News for the Troops) an allied propaganda newspaper dropped out of bombers over remaining pockets of German soldiers as the war nears its end. [6] After completing sea trials in the North Sea from 15 to 16 March 1938 she was handed over to her owners.[7]. The passengers besides civilians included Gestapo personnel, members of the Todt organization and Nazi officials with their families. Gustloff was proclaimed a Blutzeuge of the Nazi cause and his murder became part of the propaganda that served as pretext for the 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom. US $5.15. News of the Gustloffs sinking is not reported within the remains of the Third Reich. At about 6:00 pm a message was brought to the captain warning that a minesweeper convoy was headed their way, prompting him to activate the ships navigation lights to prevent a collision. Official bulletins in the Soviet Union make no mention of it. 504-528-1944. When they arrived in Pillau, these refugees found not salvation, but chaos. Reportedly, only one lifeboat was able to be lowered, the rest had frozen in their davits and had to be broken free with some lost when they fell or capsized as a result of the panic. German refugees were on the road in the winter of 1944-45, great columns of men, women, and children, desperate to flee as the onrushing Soviets overran their homes. On the second day of her voyage, the 58-year-old Captain Lbbe died on the bridge from a heart attack. Obviously Hitler can not bear to bring more bad news to his collapsing regime. [25] However, based on the latest estimates of passenger numbers and those known to be saved, Wilhelm Gustloff remains by far the largest loss of life resulting from the sinking of a single vessel in maritime history. For her third voyage Wilhelm Gustloff left Hamburg on 1 April 1938 under the command of Carl Lbbe to join the KdF ships Der Deutsche, Oceania and Sierra Cordoba on a group cruise of the North Sea. In doing so, he ignored the advice of Wilhelm Zahn, commander of the 2nd Submarine Training Division, who argued that increasing speed to 15 knots (17 miles [28 km] per hour) would reduce the likelihood of an attack, as Soviet submarines would not be able to keep up. His wife Hedwig, who had been Hitler's secretary, received from Hitler personally a monthly "honorary pay" of 400, the equivalent of some US$13,000 today. Wilhelm Gustloff took a light list to port and settled rapidly by the head. It seems profile on the tragedy was doomed right from the start. Wilhelm Gustloff: 9000 died (5000 were children) when the Soviets torpedoed the German troop ship Jan 23, 2016 Nick Knight News of the Gustloff's sinking is not reported within the remains of the Third Reich. It wasn't. [17] Thirteen survivors died later. Scroll to Continue Read More From Owlcation On April 10, 1938, it functioned as a polling place for Germans and Austrians living in England to vote on the annexation of Austria. They were making for the coast, for the safety of the ports Pillau or Gotenhafen. Alexander Marinesko, the Soviet submarine-commander who torpedoed the Gustloff was shunned by almost everyone, even in Russia. By one estimate, 9,400 people died, making it the largest loss of life in a single ship sinking in . Marinesko was thus deemed "not suitable to be a hero" for the sinking and, instead of gaining the title Hero of the Soviet Union, he was awarded the lesser Order of the Red Banner. Wilhelm Gustloff's final voyage was to evacuate German civilians, military personnel, and technicians from Courland, East Prussia, and Danzig-West Prussia. The ship left Gotenhafen early on 30 January 1945, accompanied by the passenger liner Hansa, also filled with civilians and military personnel, and two torpedo boats. After first assisting their shipmates in Lifeboat No. The figures from the research of Heinz Schn make the total lost in the sinking to be 9,343 total, including about 5,000 children.[. His degree of responsibility was never resolved, however, because of Nazi Germanys collapse in 1945. What was the name of Franz Ferdinands assassin? Not that it would have mattered much. Whatever lifeboats there are, become next to useless because they are frozen to their davits by the freezing temperatures. Add to cart. In June 2004, while spending a weekend in Munich away from dissertation research at the Austrian National Library, I boarded a train in the citys Hauptbahnhof(Central Station) for a short trip. Description. Despite the high number of civilian deaths, allegations that sinking the Gustloff constituted a war crime are largely unfounded, because of the presence of weapons and nearly 1,000 military personnel on board. He didnt know he was looking at a refugee ship, and at any rate the presence on board of some 1,000 naval personnel, along with a couple of quad anti-aircraft guns, made Wilhelm Gustloff a legitimate target. Formerly a cruise liner for Hitler's "Strength Through Joy" program in the 1930's, and then a hospital ship during wartime, Wilhelm Gustloff was pulling different duty that long-ago night in the Baltic Sea. The women on board the ship at the time of the sinking were inaccurately described by Soviet propaganda as SS personnel from the German concentration camps. From 14 March 1938 until 26 August 1939, the ship took over 80,000 passengers on a total of 60 voyages, all around Europe.[7]. Operation Hannibal was the naval evacuation of German troops and civilians from Courland, East Prussia, and Danzig-West Prussia as the Red Army advanced. Unterseeboot-Lehrdivision) in the port of Gdynia, which had been occupied by Germany and renamed Gotenhafen, located near Danzig (Gdask). Others were crushed in the initial panic on the stairs and decks, and many jumped into the icy Baltic. Many had worked at advanced weapon bases in the Baltic[13] from Gotenhafen to Kiel. About 9,400 lives were lost, the greatest death toll from the sinking of a single vessel in human history. By one estimate 9,400 people died, which would make it the largest loss of life in a single ship sinking in history. Although widely recognized as a brilliant commander, he was downgraded in rank to lieutenant and dishonorably discharged from the navy in October 1945. [4], Frankfurter surrendered immediately to the Swiss police, confessing "I fired the shots because I am a Jew". On January 30, 1945, some 9,000 people perished aboard this German ocean liner after it was torpedoed by a Soviet submarine and sank in the frigid waters of the Baltic Sea. From November 1940 onward, it lay at anchor at Gdynia, Poland, to serve as barracks for the 2nd Submarine Training Division. Because he was worried about the Gustloffs engines failing after years of sitting idle, Capt. [5] He was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment and spent the war in a Swiss prison. Petersen also rejected the recommendation of First Officer Louis Reese, who had advised a course that hugged the coastline. Due to the collapse of Nazi Germany, no inquiry into the incident was resolved. Many deaths were caused either directly by the torpedoes or by drowning in the onrushing water. The Gustloff had been envisioned as one of the most luxurious cruise-ships of the day. In 1933[citation needed] the Nazi Party created the Wilhelm-Gustloff-Stiftung ("The Wilhelm Gustloff Foundation"), a national corporation funded by properties and wealth confiscated from Jews. However, based on the latest estimates of passenger numbers and those known to be saved, Wilhelm Gustloff remains the largest loss of life resulting from the sinking of one vessel in maritime history. Women aboard the ship at the time of the sinking were inaccurately described by Soviet propaganda as "SS personnel from the German concentration camps". An estimated 9,000 passengers were killed in the sinking, making it the greatest maritime disaster in history. Before sinking Wilhelm Gustloff, Captain Marinesko was facing a court martial due to his alcohol problems and for being caught in a brothel while he and his crew were off duty. Charges that Marinesko had violated the laws of war have arisen from time to time, but theyve been difficult to sustain. When trains arrived from Danzig with the families of 500 high ranking Nazis in the civil administration,Koch wanted them prioritized for the evacuation ships, butDnitz refused. Wilhelm Gustloff was the first purpose-built cruise ship for the German Labour Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront, DAF) and used by subsidiary organisation Strength Through Joy (Kraft durch Freude, KdF). In May 1939 the Gustloff, along with other ships from the Kraft durch Freude fleet, was ordered to bring soldiers of the Condor Legion back to Germany after the Spanish Civil War ended. Aside from its operation as a cruise ship, the Gustloff was used for public-oriented missions. As near as was possible, her cabins were all to be the same size. For the last several days of its existence, before soldiers of the United States Seventh Army arrived, Dachau was a small, self-enclosed universe of decay and death. The ship was carrying lifeboats and rafts for 5,000 people, but many of the lifesaving appliances were frozen to the deck, and their effective use was further impeded by the fact that one of the torpedoes had hit the crew quarters, killing those best trained to deal with the situation. From September 1939 to November 1940, she served as a hospital ship, with her official designation being Lazarettschiff D. You would think S-13 Captain Marineskos troubles with the NKVD (eventually to become the KGB) would fade now that he has scored the biggest target in history. With all these characteristics, Hitler hoped that the Wilhelm Gustloff would be a floating pleasure-ship, taking Germans all around Europe. 1, with a crew of twelve under the command of Second Officer Meyer. The water temperature in the Baltic Sea in late January is usually around 4C (39F); however, this was a particularly cold night, with an air temperature of 18 to 10C (0 to 14F) and ice floes covering the surface. The dead numbered between 6,000-9,000. . Expert Answers: Wilhelm, who seemed to finally be hitting the limits of his ability, would have nearly perished as a result had he not been saved by the newest incarnation. As Wilhelm Gustloff had been fitted with anti-aircraft guns, and the Germans did not mark her as a hospital ship, no notification of her operating in a hospital capacity had been given and, as she was transporting military personnel, she did not have any protection as a hospital ship under international accords. He was downgraded in rank to lieutenant and dishonorably discharged from the Soviet Navy in October 1945. The jam-packed ship was soon a scene of horror, with explosions, fires, children blown overboard, passengers slipping and sliding on the icy deck, and tumbling into the sea. The third torpedo (For Leningrad) struck the engine room in the area below the ships funnel, cutting off electrical power to the ship. Filmed in Gotenhafen, the 2nd Submarine Training Division acted as extras in the movie.Wilhelm Gustloff sat dockside for over four years, until she was put back in service to transport civilians and military personnel as part of Operation Hannibal. The first struck the ship's bow, causing watertight doors to seal off the area where off-duty crew members were sleeping. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Wilhelm Gustloff (1895-1936) was the 'Head' of the Germany Nazi Party in Switzerland. MV Wilhelm Gustloff was a German military transport ship which was sunk on 30 January 1945 by Soviet submarineS-13 in the Baltic Sea while evacuating civilian evacuees from East Prussia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Estonia[3] and German military personnel from Gotenhafen (Gdynia) as the Red Army advanced. Wilhelm Gustloff sank within an hour. It was terrible, but it was a result of war, a terrible result of war.. From September 1939 to November 1940, Wilhelm Gustloff served as a hospital ship, officially designated Lazarettschiff D. Beginning on 20 November 1940, medical equipment was removed from the ship and she was repainted from the hospital ship colors of white with a green stripe to standard naval grey. Against the advice of the military commander, Lieutenant Commander Wilhelm Zahn (a submariner who argued for a course in shallow waters close to shore and without lights), Wilhelm Gustloff's captain, Friedrich Petersen, decided to head for deep water which was known to have been cleared of mines. War crime or not, what happened to Wilhelm Gustloff was bad. Filmed in Gotenhafen, the 2nd Submarine Training Division acted as extras in the movie. The third torpedo scored a direct hit on the engine room located amidships, disabling all power and communications. Founder of the Nationalsocialist Party of Switzerland, German Orientalisms|By Todd Curtis Kontje | P.222, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of Nazis who died in the Beer Hall Putsch, "A Survey of Nazi and Pro-Nazi Groups in Switzerland: 1930-1945", "I Kill a Nazi Gauleiter:Memoir of a Jewish Assassin", "Why the Shooting in Ankara Won't Start World War III", "David Frankfurter, Who Killed Swiss Nazi Leader, Pardoned; Served Nine Years", Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes. The first torpedo caused the watertight doors to seal off the bow which contained the crews quarters where off-duty crew members were sleeping. Once again, the figure depends on the initial figure for those on board. And then there is something else World War II is filled with: worsts.. The Wilhelm Gustloff (1945): The deadliest shipwreck in history. His coffin, transported on a special train from Davos to Schwerin, made stops in Stuttgart, Wrzburg, Erfurt, Halle, Magdeburg and Wittenberg. [9] A storm developed on 3 April with winds up to 100 kilometres per hour (62mph) that forced the four ships apart. The people who were allowed to travel on the Kraft durch Freude flagship were chosen by the party. Over 9,000 people mostly women and children perished in the Baltic Sea when a Soviet submarine fired three torpedoes into the port side of the Gustloff on January 30, 1945. In 1963 Marinesko was given the traditional ceremony due to a captain upon his successful return from a mission. Consider what happened to the German ship Wilhelm Gustloffon the evening of January 30, 1945, seventy-five years ago. Wilhelm Gustloff, in full Motor Vessel Wilhelm Gustloff, German ocean liner that was sunk by a Soviet submarine on January 30, 1945. Friedrich Petersen decided that the ship would travel no faster than 12 knots (14 miles [22 km] per hour). 945 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70130 Learn how and when to remove this template message, List by death toll of ships sunk by submarines, "The Forgotten Maritime Tragedy Deadlier Than the Titanic", "The Forgotten Maritime Tragedy That Was 6 Times Deadlier Than the Titanic", "Voyages on board the Wilhelm Gustloff & Robert Ley", "London Polling Station: Annexation of Austria", "The 'Official' Maiden Voyage of the Wilhelm Gustloff April 21st, 1938 - May 6th, 1938", "Lwe Torpedoboot 19401959 Sleipner Class", The Avalon Project Laws of War: Adaptation to Maritime War of the Principles of the Geneva Convention (Hague X); 18 October 1907, maritimeEXODUS The Evacuation Model for the Marine Environment, "Translation of Marinesko page from", "ZARZDZENIE PORZDKOWE NR 9 DYREKTORA URZDU MORSKIEGO W GDYNI z dnia 23 maja 2006 r. w sprawie zakazu nurkowania na wrakach statkw-mogiach wojennych", The Greatest Marine Disaster in Historyand why you probably never heard of it, Shipwreck Expedition May 2003, led by Mike Boring, Details, map and position info on, Schiff ohne Klassen - Die Wilhelm Gustloff,, Used as floating barracks for the Second Submarine Training Division until the vessel returned to active service ferrying civilians and military personnel as part of, 1,465 passengers (as designed) in 489 cabins. Emil Ludwig; Peter O. Chotjewitz; Helmut Kreuzer (Hrsg. [1], Gustloff (a son of merchant Herrmann Gustloff[2]), who worked for the Swiss government as a meteorologist, joined the NSDAP in 1927. [31], Coordinates: 550422N 172517E / 55.0729N 17.4213E / 55.0729; 17.4213, Kriegsmarine Coastal Forces Gordon Williamson, page 39, Osprey Publishing 2009. She sank bow-first ten minutes later, in 44m (144ft) of water. The disaster remains relatively unknown. As many as half a million civilians remained in Stalingrad when the Germans approached in the late summer of 1942. The Gustloff held about 1,400 people, but in order to make room for more passengers, the Germans took all of the furniture off the ship [and . Gustloff's widow, mother and brother attended the funeral and received personal condolences from Hitler. 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