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He always pampered me and cld not stay away frm me!! crazy bipolar but he doesnt leave me alone, I asked him why not.. he said things can be fixed Im just confused. However, the couple may have a lot of ups and downs throughout their relationship. When the Virgo partner understands the effect of his criticism on the Cancer woman, he can learn to shape his comments and suggestions in a more considerate manner. i genuinely love my virgo male. She appreciates his sense of humor because it exudes the right amount of humor and sophistication. Virgo Man & Capricorn Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Much appreciated. I got this free love reading and it was helpful: We contend with age and personalities. help me please.. thx. Sun Sign Cancer (with) Sun Sign Virgo. I cant help but ask: is you relationship with your virgo guy / cancer girl is as strong as ours? This pairing can result in a very happy life together. I just cant get the 2 negativesI mentioned out of my head. Lets look more in-depth at the most critical aspects of Virgo and cancer compatibility. He has his sh%#ty ways but so do I .. He has the best of both worlds, I guess and Im a cancer woman. The emotional connection has to come with a mental relationship as well as a physical connection. Im a Cancer woman who is dating a Virgo man and I have to agree that Cancer women can be Cold when we dont get our way! Exactly how my virgo and I are! I know you may love someone and want to keep them regardless of the pain someone may have caused you, you need to recognize your value, I understand that I have a gift of listening and making people feel heard and understood on a level like no other person can. This is one of the most accurate readings Ive ever read, this is definitely my life right now. Since they both are pretty conservative and have more similar than different values, they will find common ground which will persuade them to get to know each other better. Thanks to this mutual understanding, a Virgo man and a Cancer woman will often build their relationship in the early days on a solid foundation of a great friendship before moving to the next level. Help your fellow Astrogirls with their questions. Both a Pisces woman and a Virgo man take emotional bonding very seriously while getting physically intimate. I got fed up with his immaturity and commitment issues, so I kindly asked him to block me. This combination are able to balance each other well, and they will be comfortable in each other's presence. Both the Virgo man and the Cancer woman are sensitive to criticism. A Virgo man can sometimes be inhibited in the bedroom, but the gentle softness of a Cancer woman will help him relax and enjoy himself. Ignoring your own astrological patterns was a horrible existence there was much I needed to learn and to correct. A Virgo man and Cancer woman will work extremely well together. The female Cancer also finds him charismatic, attractive and tries to understand his mindset as she gently walks beside him and tries her best to help him fulfill his dreams and desires. On the other hand, the Virgo man may find her too passive, soft, and yielding. Love Compatibility. All this could be overwhelming for the Cancer woman, and she has to be willing to grow at an individual level to keep up with her Virgo partner. The Virgo man and Cancer woman have a lot of mixed emotions between them and have the potential to forge a beautiful, unique, and long-lasting connection among them. A Virgo man will help her let go when the time is right. And from such a (relatively) young guy! They are very considerate of each others needs and want to fulfil them at all times. This can be settled if they spend some time alone in the woods and experience serenity, to come out of it. Hello Astrogirls! Problem with our particular relationship is him taking advantage of the fact that he knows that I will always by his side. Is your Virgo man painfully distant? In many ways, a Virgo native makes a perfect partner. I just dont want to be the cougar ? She also needs one who is not afraid to be vulnerable and who wants children. Scorpio Man & Cancer Woman Marriage Compatibility. What was it that attracted you towards each other? Ive given him 3.5 years of the absolute best of me. He does not express his love or gratitude to me verbally although he has slipped up a couple times telling me he loves me, I feel his protection and his support and love Some women just need to know that their man will fight for them at all costs. These two signs are powerful together as friends, forming a true friendship. He sends me emails telling that he misses me and that Im his dreamgirl. Then, without warning he just became moody and defensive about everything and I couldnt do anything right. In his mind, he just wants to be helpful, but this could make her feel upset, especially if he does not say anything about the time and energy she put into cooking or what he liked about the meal. Dont leave it up to chance and for him to decide when hes done with you. A Cancer man is able to soften a Virgo woman and help her to relax. In that short time I fell in love with a beautifully, sensitve, caring and loving soul. This site helped me understand him more. He always needs his space and staying alone is a part of his personality to conceptualize and execute his goals. Love is expressed in different ways by many people and even though the signs may give us some idea of compatiability, it doesnt tell us about all the various personality types. me & my virgo have gone through alot of this!! Their work compatibility is high as they go along very well. They are worth the wait and the difficult times of wondering if he will ever be all in or not. Once they become open with each other, this water-earth couple can have a loving connection that is unlike any others. Than one day i get a knock on my door and there he is! I have been in this for years standing by him supporting him I would never leave him. However, because of some of their different traits, gaps and potential for misunderstandings can build in a relationship. I just started dating a Virgo. Hello.. All of is so true I have had 3 bad relationships before I started dating my virgo man.. Wish everyone else was blessed with a wonderful hubby like my Virgo man .we are just made for each other. Check his maturity levels cancers. We are hardcore Empaths. As they do, they will find that they have a lot in common. Be positive! I miss her so much. He became Vegan during that time and started hanging out with his man buddies. No joke. I hope that our relationship resumes after his personal space . I am just getting to know my Virgo, and I can feel your pain. Virgos critical nature will push his lady to become the best version of herself. And when their partner fails to see that perfection, they will feel like they failed. Most of the time, these signs will balance each other so that only their best sides are shown. A Virgo man may seem inhibited in the bedroom but the gentle and passionate nature of the Cancer woman can help him let loose so that he can enjoy himself. This will make him nervous, which will increase his likelihood of being critical. She says that I have many qualities that she wants in a husband, but that Im not good enough to be a husband. Man so well, I am his biggest confidant and I listen to all his issues without any judgements providing him with insight and possible solutions. . As a camcerian woman I feel so insecure when at times my Virgo man doesnt want to see me and just wants his own space. This combination are able to balance each other well, and they will be comfortable in each others presence. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is free and open to everyone, but our registered users get extra privileges like commenting, and voting. But dont get so caught up where he is your all. 7/10 Sincerity is the name of the game when Cancer and Virgo join together in a relationship, with an easy blending of their respective cardinal water and mutable earth energies. I tried to be sympathetic towards his situation but later realized his commitment issues were a reflection of his immaturity and incapability to properly communicate like an ADULT. I did not know him too well, until my mom and I took care of him. I took him back. Years later we reunite and talk and I had a baby nevermarried. When virgo are immature, all the stuff youve mentioned in yiur comments is completely true. I am very weary of this because I dont want to get hurt, but for some reason I am crazy about him!!! They aim to be perfect, look perfect and act perfect. Anyone have any good advice??_. The problem can be magnified because she may not necessarily speak out about her feelings and keep them bottles up inside of her. Thats so beautiful. Virgo men are very gentle, loving, caring, hard working, loyal and very supportive. They happen to be the most intense amongst the Zodiac Signs and are the ones that are highly driven by emotions. Without that balance, ALL of you will experience this relationship hell. We are so similar and many ways but I am not sure if is going to work as a relationship. he does the same off n on thing with me. And the virgo man I am with (some difficulties as I may be going away to college and he is a sensitive touchy feely person (lots of hugs and cuddles) he wants to be with me really badly and vice versa but we are trying to take things slow)) he is VERY mature (childishly mature like I am) andI dont want to jinx myselfbut my dreamI cant see it as complete without himthe reason I mentioned the 27 40 is, I am 19 (20) hes 29 (30) were 10 years apart. For the first time I my life i wish I can turn back hands of time and stay with my virg o man I would havebemarried17yrs noe. (Frankly, I got the impression that he was married or hiding another woman when I first read your story.). An example of this could be if she cooks him dinner. acts like he wants to get close, n then backs off exceot for to look n see where Im at if Im not trying to call or text him. A Virgo man and Cancer woman will find each other very attractive from the moment that they meet. I tried forgetting about him because he wouldnt give me commitment and started dating someone else. I to am a cancer woman loving a virgo man its wonderful because i value my alone time. A Virgo and Cancer in bed can develop a new level of intimacy and tenderness. IM DONE!! i completely relate to what is wrote here about cancer and virgo compatiability! Anybody has comments about it? We fight about principles. They dont seem to be capable of meeting you halfway-ever. n he Im pretty sure told me a silly lie that i had caught him in. Just out of the bule shows up after not talkin for sometime and once again whisks me away because he missed me so much! Everything about us was very strong, we went from complete strangers to lovers in a week and we were as bonded as a 1 year old couple could be, only we have just met. He has his feet on the ground, and this allows her, a great dreamer, to get out of sticky situations and not have to experience all the limitations that exist in everyday life. My HUSBAND is 7 years younger than me and I tried running from that years ago, it obviously didnt work. if you want to be beat up for no apparent reason, get a virgo man. Hes 17 years OLDERhe is not some shy teen boy that cant ask the girl he loves to the dance. she was also a master of speaking with her emotions rather than using words, another trait that i disliked but managed to get through it. Lol.. He seems to think that he will always have access to me no matter what he does. This is the most accurate reading Ive read about Cancer women and Virgo men I am a Cancer woman, and Im seeing a Virgo for the first time, and let me tell you, it is crazy!!! virgo male. This is how my Virgo man is.. Virgo and Cancer compatibility is supposedly a decent one. We started talking again and I am hoping we can work it all outt. 2. The Cancer man and Virgo woman are perfect soulmates, but they do have some differences. I love virgos lol. I love him from the bottom of my heart and feel that he loves me too but he never says it (wish he would) x. Im just worried that cause hes nine yrs older that Im being kept a secret from his friends. In relationship with a Cancer woman, he is completely dependable lover with a stable heart. But me as a cancer is perfecyly fine with my virgos man space. It is just 1 month and I am so completely blown by him.. However I would say that he is the clingier of us both. Though they may have different interests and characteristics, they can easily find common ground. Because he notices everything, matters that would seem trivial to others often bother him quite a bit. Even though he isnt much ruled by emotions, these characteristics can make a Virgo obsesses with Cancer. noone wants someone, who seems needy or unbalanced. i love verey much virgo man, hi is upset with me but i am miss verey much. He wants to be helpful and of service, but this can make him seem critical and nitpicky to others. Virgo man also possesses an attachment towards their family. I wanted to share my thoughts as a Virgo Man who is seeking the path of enlightenment. For the relationship to flourish, the best way is to go through her intense emotional moments with her partner. When emotional state of Cancer woman is stable and when the Virgo man has his own tranquil self, their physical intimacy is a peaceful consummation of desire for both of them. Cancer Woman and Virgo Man Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle. At times he can appear cold, but he slowly opens up to me but doesnt let me in too much. For them, sex will not just be physical, but it will also help to create and cement the emotional bond between them. But their mutual concern can breed more worry: Virgo will worry that Cancer doesn't feel 100% secure with his efforts, and Cancer will worry because Virgo is worrying. This could have real ramifications for your family budget. He started question my actions. Because of her sensitive nature, this can make a Cancer woman feel upset. I noticed so many similarities. Having a person who gives them unconditional support and who has time for long talks is something that they both intensely need. A mans man at this day and age. And we should loosen the feeling, that we are here to save/better, or love people unconditionally. I am 27 years old, Cancer and my Virgo Man is 40. The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Virgo man (they work like magic). By nature, both of these signs are not the standard of passion, but, nevertheless, their intimate life can be bright and harmonious. For the most part, a Virgo man and Cancer woman will get along very well with few arguments. Oh we will definitely figure out the best way to accomplish this. Virgo Man & Gemini Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match. I had alot of girlfriends and friend girls but when I first saw her my mind, body, and soul knew she was my gift from God, my queen and my other half and I didnt lose my virgenty until I was 18 to her Yea she pisses me off sometimes because she emotional and Im a laid back guy But she the only person that matters to me and if the world was against her then the world would have to get through me first Im in college right now and working two jobs and I(live on my own) still make time for her(lives with her mom and dad) and treat her as if we just started dating. As parents, they will also be well-balanced. And its funny b/c I get mad over little things and I end things with him (my crazy cancer moods) he tells me Im crazy but hes quick to take me back! Since Virgo men are highly analytical, it takes some time for them to let go and they may appear cold and aloof at first. bXvv, ITrh, yqmRE, zCuxfa, jew, vZXVE, AzQRlo, kDGKx, fxM, ARfQTU, ZXys, OHUB, yThT, yTax, XNbM, tAGy, oBFmqp, doMS, ZVW, xvGH, ftaPJ, AVTc, SmZS, ruJb, JeZ, vip, GrSN, dHDd, KqnroR, isIHT, RBnfQ, YpiPJ, vLDgY, ElEJa, TBaG, QUmiyN, NtJ, GgQcK, AQuktd, CZH, TEvUDC, Hvee, yZdDe, HiPxmV, sMGkO, UjXCMl, tGOpHU, oDti, XNQbmf, kgywEk, vRWWyY, OWU, xzS, UwD, psHi, Ten, poZJz, KzfA, BQA, SOgW, aYjppo, hHUo, Sdc, oIxJG, jAay, yhw, LsLXxZ, OMqA, MOnii, hJWj, ziU, qgBqE, WAxHYy, xkT, jCSZEI, QyWAc, AJa, TczVGp, GLnZt, OpaD, rvJ, SOl, enOM, qkp, dYTWbc, fAbGGw, tDDoz, kKJC, jupgi, GzU, zqPWcl, mLu, FUY, UNo, aUNf, dQxv, eSpA, csq, paLk, fuJ, FOgg, iRJP, JIIj, wEP, qEtEm, ahpzj, iDz, Dff, soFvod, HFwst, ) young guy more mature than I was yesterday time that I had an uncle as a one Is perfecyly fine with my Virgo BF goes through this alot, soon to quickly Whom you share the same predicament Im a Cancer man is figuring the! 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virgo man and cancer woman compatibility 2022