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Sudden unexplained death in adults. Sudden unexplained deaths as a result of intracranial lesions in adults are an important component of medicolegal practice and are best examined as a combined effort by a forensic pathologist, or a histopathologist experienced in coroner's necropsies, and a neuropathologist. In light of these considerations, other organs may be involved: these cases of SDs are usually defined as non-cardiac sudden death (nc-SD). Lin Y., Williams N., Wang D., Coetzee W., Zhou B., Eng L.S., Um S.Y., Bao R., Devinsky O., McDonald T.V., et al. October 23, 2007 (New Orleans) Sudden unexpected death among young adults is often blamed on cocaine or methadone abuse, but a new study shows that more than half of these . Therefore, an abscess acts as an intracranial expanding lesion. In similar cases, by applying genetic testing, it could be possible to discover the causality, with the identification of family member carriers, adopting preventive strategies [136,137]. So much fraud.. See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here! [27], cardiovascular diseases and genetic arrhythmias accounted for about 50% of their SD cases. Kibayashi K., Sumida T., Shojo H., Tokunaga O. See: If our website is seized and shut down, find us on, MeWe, and Telegram, as well as Bitchute and Odysee for further instructions about where to find us. Sgaard K., Schmidt M., Pedersen L. Thirty-Year Mortality After Venous Thromboembolism: A Population-Based Cohort Study. For all of Dr. Mercolas archived content, see his Censored Library (subscription required). Meanwhile, between March 2021 and March 2022 alone a single year at least 769 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest, collapse, and/or have died on the field, worldwide.15. Toxic effects could play an important role as triggers of SD, particularly in young people. Background: Post-mortem examinations of adults who were apparently healthy but died suddenly and unexpectedly sometimes reveal no morphological abnormalities to explain their deaths. Even with the use of a dissecting microscope it may not be possible to identify the source of the subarachnoid haemorrhage in at least 510% of cases, raising the possibility that the cause is rupture of a small saccular aneurysm, which had been completely obliterated by the blow out of the blood vessel. The medico-legal term "sudden death (SD)" refers to those deaths that are not preceded by significant symptoms. Some embalmers have documented this never-before-seen phenomenon.42 They also can barely keep up with the unprecedented number of cardiac arrests. Zhang L., Yin Y., Zhang J., Zhang H. Removal of foreign bodies in childrens airways using flexible bronchoscopic CO2cryotherapy. Massive haemorrhage into brain substance is characterised clinically by an abrupt onset and rapid evolution, Most large intracerebral haematomas occur in middle aged men with hypertension, or in the elderly. Dunn K.E., Caleshu C., Cirino A.L., Ho C.Y., Ashley E.A. Patients with known coronary artery disease had a fourfold greater incidence of SD. This has to stop. Whistleblower Lawsuit! All too often this is not the casealthough there may be some evidence of trauma, with a thin film of subdural haemorrhage and minimal surface contusions, slicing of the brain often fails to reveal any evidence of internal damage, including either parenchymatous or intraventricular haemorrhage. In particular, smokers had a 3-fold greater incidence of SD than non-smokers; moreover, the abuser (meaning smokers of >1 pack per day) had higher rates than did smokers of <1 pack per day [26]. Ingrassia, University of Catania, 95121 Catania, Italy; moc.liamg@19otisopse.onailimissam (M.E. The These techniques are commonly used to highlight tissue damage; moreover, in SD cases, they should be used to identify different organ damage and/or the etiology in the myocarditis generated by different external agents, such as viral or bacterial infection: for example, the molecular techniques are the gold standard methods to diagnose viral myocarditis [151,152,153,154]. Why Are Vaccines Excluded? A recent retrospective study studied the role of forensic post-mortem CT in order to define the cause of death, especially in cases of acute heart insufficiency or respiratory failure [128]. As previously described, in the case of SD, it represents a very complex task, although the scientific community has published professional guidelines, book chapters, and many scientific publications on this issue. Boczek N.J., Tester D.J., Ackerman M.J. If there is obstruction of an interventricular foramen one lateral ventricle enlarges; if it is in the third ventricle or the aqueduct both lateral ventricles enlarge; if it is at the exit foramina of the fourth ventricle the entire ventricular system enlarges; if the obstruction is in the subarachnoid space at the level of the tentorium again the entire ventricular system enlarges, on this occasion the hydrocephalus is communicating in type. The .gov means its official. Obviously, from a forensic point of view, autopsy findings should be carefully evaluated as well as the crime scene investigation with the relative circumstances and the medical history of the victim. Moreover, in the case of SCD in young people, it could be possible to detect pathogenic mutations in genes encoding structural proteins. Other clinical pictures of APE are: symptoms similar to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [57]; fever syndrome with or without pseudopneumonia [58]; acute right heart failure/shock/hypotension (often with epigastric pain) [59]; left heart failure (with pulmonary congestion) [60]; chest pain similar to pleuritic syndrome with or without hemoptysis (with or without effusion) [61]; similar to acute coronary syndrome (ACS) (with or without chest pain) [62]; syncope [63]; complete atrioventricular (AV) block with idioventricular rhythm [49]; persistent or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF), atrial flutter, atrial tachycardia [64]; paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) [49]; DVT and silent PE [65]; platypnea-orthodeoxia [66]; abdominal pain without acute abdomen [64]; and delirium [67]. Sarquella-Brugada G., Campuzano O., Cesar S., Iglesias A., Fernandez A., Brugada J., Brugada R. Sudden infant death syndrome caused by cardiac arrhythmias: Only a matter of genes encoding ion channels? Heart rate variability as predictive factor for sudden cardiac death. The most important cause of death in the case of nc-SD involving the respiratory system is acute pulmonary embolism (APE). AAS use/abuse is strictly related to the improved risk for SD [110,111]. already built in. SUDEP deaths may be underestimated, especially if an additional pathology is found. Depending on the baseline chosen, excess deaths for 15 to 19 year olds is between 16% . The rate of sudden unexpected adult deaths measured by this survey to be due to ischaemic heart disease (9.1 per 100 000 per annum) is 20% of the entire national ischaemic heart disease death rate, in the same age group. They dont even have enough beds or infusion space to treat them all, and radiation treatments are backlogged. Fineschi V., Baroldi G., Monciotti F., Reattelli L.P., Turillazzi E. Anabolic steroid abuse and cardiac sudden death: A pathologic study. I see. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. The department of neuropathology provides a tertiary reference service for most of the hospitals in the central and the western parts of Scotland, including the city of Glasgow. In obstructive hydrocephalus it is the site of the lesion, rather than its nature, that is of importance. If this isnt obvious to you, best of luck something eventually helps things click for you. Menezes R.G., Ahmed S., Pasha S.B., Hussain S.A., Fatima H., Kharoshah M.A., Madadin M. Gastrointestinal causes of sudden unexpected death: A review. The investigation of these deaths is variable; in some series only a minority of patients had a postmortem examination.9 In some studies, postmortem values of anticonvulsants were subtherapeutic or negative.8,13,17,18 In addition, despite a proportion showing abnormalities,13,18,21,22 the brain is often not formally examined by a neuropathologist. Obviously, the first two steps that should be performed with greater attention are the external examination and the crime scene investigation (C.S.I.). Ask me anything. Osman J., Tan S.C., Lee P.Y., Low T.Y., Jamal R. Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD)Risk stratification and prediction with molecular biomarkers. Laack T.A., Goyal D.G. Lindbohm J.V., Kaprio J., Jousilahti P., Salomaa V., Korja M. Risk Factors of Sudden Death from Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Whats most concerning here is that the second injection seems to make things much worse in terms of the risk of death. Moreover, as recently suggested by Paratz et al. Thus, there may be both external and internal evidence of trauma, with some injuries to the thoracic and abdominal cavities, but insufficient in amount and severity to provide a satisfactory explanation for death, or indeed evidence of trauma may be confined to the head. The annual incidence was 1.3 cases per 100,000 persons 1 to 35 years of age; 72% of the cases involved boys or young men . But the largest statistical difference occurred in November 2021. Aortic Rupture. In this scenario, hypertension and blood cholesterol may be considered two important indirect risk factors in the insurgence of SCD events. road crash or other transport disaster. I have a elderly friend after 1st jab got paralyzed from the west down. Notably, to date, although the progress in the diagnostic fields, several deaths have been classified with the term unascertained: this should be reserved for circumstances where the cause and manner of death remain undetermined after autopsy [120]. Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century 7-Year-Old Article More Relevant Today than the Day it was Written, How to Beat Internet Censorship and Create Your Own Newsfeed. In the cases with a negative macroscopic autopsy, further investigations are needed, applying the so-called molecular autopsy to explain the cause of death. Brion M., Quintela I., Sobrino B., Torres M., Allegue C., Carracedo A. For example, Riezzo et al. In approximately a third of the cases a history of the circumstances of the death was not available, in another third the deceased had a witnessed seizure before death, and in almost 50% of cases the circumstances suggested that the patient had died during their sleep. Based on this review, it should be stated that a Coroners post-mortem must be carried out in all cases in which SD occurs if the cause of death is unknown; obviously, in similar cases, the relative medical certificate of cause of death will not be forthcoming. the display of certain parts of an article in other eReaders. Difficulty remains in identifying the source of haemorrhage at necropsy, further compounded by the possible occurrence of artefactual tears during the course of examination. Suktitipat B., Sathirareuangchai S., Roothumnong E., Thongnoppakhun W., Wangkiratikant P., Vorasan N., Krittayaphong R., Pithukpakorn M., Boonyapisit W. Molecular investigation by whole exome sequencing revealed a high proportion of pathogenic variants among Thai victims of sudden unexpected death syndrome. Epilepsy has long been associated with an increased risk of death other than from trauma or drowning.4,5 It is now recognised that individuals with epilepsy are at an increased risk of sudden unexplained death (SUDEP), which is not attributable to either of these causes.68 The incidence of these unexpected deaths is different in various population groupsfor example, in specific hospitals,9,1012 or in the general population with epilepsy6,1315and this is reflected in rates, which can vary from 0.41.35/1000 person years,15 to 4.9/1000 person years.9 Ficker and colleagues6 gave a risk approximately 24 fold greater than that of the general population, and Leestma and colleagues13 reported a prevalence of SUDEP of 1/370 to 1/1110 patients with epilepsy/year, with a risk of 1/200 for people with severe epilepsy. The highest mortality rate among the double vaccinated (at least 21 days ago) occurred in September 2021, with 125.9 deaths per 100,000 person-years. The second most frequent cardiovascular cause of SD in the subjects practicing sports activities is congenital coronary-artery anomalies: in these cases, the artery originates from the wrong aortic sinus (more commonly, the left main coronary artery originates from Valsalvas right sinus) [43]. Yet sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in young athletes. Based on these criteria, they may be divided into coronary and non-coronary causes: The so-called SCDs in the majority of cases are due to coronary artery disease. Abstract. SADS experts say there is no relation between Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome and COVID-19 vaccines. Lifetime Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death in the Community. Other authors have invoked hyperextension with some rotation and/or flexion of the neck. 76,253 Dead 6,033,218 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA Following COVID Vaccines with 4,358 Fetal Deaths in U.S. Injecting Babies with COVID-19 Vaccines: Brain Damage, Seizures, Rashes are Recorded Side Effects in VAERS, Official Government Data Record 74,783 Deaths and 5,830,235 Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines in the U.S. and Europe, 45,316 Dead 4,416,778 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is New Category to Deny Vaccine Deaths, FDA had Data Showing 82% 97% of Pregnant Women Injected with the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Lost Their Babies Before Approving the Shots, 44,821 Dead 4,351,483 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions, Cases of Brain Damage in Children Skyrocket Following COVID-19 Vaccines, Recorded Cases of Heart Disease Among Under 40 Years Old Explodes 20,000% After COVID-19 Vaccines Roll Out, Killer COVID Vaccines: 4,400% Increase in Deaths Compared to All FDA-Approved Vaccines for Previous 30 Years, 4,113 Fetal Deaths in VAERS Following COVID-19 Vaccines Not Including Those Murdered Alive to Develop the Vaccines, 3,898 Dead 4,190,493 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions, Millions of American Lives in Danger as Airline Pilots Suffer Heart Problems from Mandatory COVID Vaccines, 43,000 Deaths 4 MILLION Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European European Database of Adverse Reactions, 1000% Increase in Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Following Pfizer COVID-19 EUA Vaccine for 5 to 11 Year Olds, 42,507 DEAD 3,984,978 Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions. The Effects of Smoking and Drinking on Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Factors. Overall, the majority of natural, sudden, unexpected deaths studied in medical examiner offices are of cardiac origin, 10, 11, 12 and central nervous system (CNS) pathology is the cause of death in less than one-fifth of sudden deaths. [, Anaphylaxis. Bookshelf SUDEP refers to deaths in people with epilepsy that are not caused by injury, drowning, or other known causes. Turillazzi E., Bello S., Neri M., Pomara C., Riezzo I., Fineschi V. Cardiovascular effects of cocaine: Cellular, ionic and molecular mechanisms. Caused by a global mass vaccination campaign led by the Pharma masters of BMGF/WHO/CDC that illogically (but profitably) targeted a rapidly mutating coronavirus. Usually chronic, the abscess has a grey and rather translucent capsule, with its effective size often increased by brain swelling. National Library of Medicine The role of genetic testing in unexplained sudden death. Aalberts J.J., van Tintelen J.P., Meijboom L.J., Polko A., Jongbloed J.D., van der Wal H., Pals G., Osinga J., Timmermans J., De Backer J., et al. The definitions of SCD are not the same across the scientific community [12]. Peterslund P., Elvander C.F., Hoffmann-Peterssen J. Iatrogenic clinically cardiac arrest after administration of nitroglycerin. However, alcohol intoxication is a common finding in any violent death. We analysed the data for cardiovascular cases across Scotland. 1 Studies suggest that each year there are about 1.16 cases of SUDEP for every 1,000 people with epilepsy, although . These occurrence rates would be equivalent to a total of 3338 cardiac, and of 143 unexplained, sudden and unexpected deaths . will also be available for a limited time. Notably, men with systolic blood pressures >160 mm Hg have an incidence of SD three times greater than those who have systolic pressures <140 mm Hg; moreover, elevated cholesterol levels are generally regarded as a risk factor, even if, to date, no stepwise trend proportional to serum cholesterol has been noted [24]. The samples that could be collected to perform the toxicological investigation are: peripheral venous blood, vitreous humor, hair, urine, bile, pericardial/cerebrospinal fluids, and gastric contents. Publishers Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Side of Brain Infarction and Long-Term Risk of Sudden Death in Patients with Symptomatic Carotid Disease. The scope of corruption is outrageous and the obvious coverup by devildemocommiecrats and their Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists is just as outrageous!!!!!!!!!! Sudden cardiac death associated to substances of abuse and psychotropic drugs consumed by young people: A population study based on forensic autopsies. The autopsy finding of critical coronary stenosis (defined as one or more of the major extramural coronary arteries with more than 75% narrowing of the luminal cross-section) is sufficient to invoke a diagnosis of SCD, and this is consistently detected in 90% or more of these patients. You will have to cite something other than a fact check site. Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage unassociated with arterial aneurysmal rupture as a cause of sudden unexpected death. So now we have two pieces of evidence that suggest Covid-19 vaccination is to blame for the sudden uptick in Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. A quick search in the U.S. Governments Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) on deaths recorded following vaccination, will clearly show the correlation between FDA-approved vaccines for the past 30+ years, where the vast majority of deaths were among infants below the age of 6 months (source), in contrast to reported deaths following COVID-19 vaccines, where deaths among adults in the working class (ages 18 to 59) now exceed infant deaths for the past 30+ years, during the last 18 months. Carr G.E., Yuen T.C., McConville J.F., Kress J.P., VandenHoek T.L., Hall J.B., Edelson D.P. The database is called COVID-19 wider impacts on the health care system. [Morphologic aspects in cerebral seizures and contribution to sudden, unexpected and unexplained death]. Indeed, even if these causes are a less common cause of SD when compared to other conditions, they are equally important [91,92]. This is odd because the federal government is aware that vaccines permanently disable and kill some babies the very reason Congress established a death and disability tax on childhood vaccines more than 25 years ago when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Indeed, APE is characterized by numerous clinical manifestations with a complex interaction between different organs. Theyre captured, as it were. Sudden death mystery of 'healthy people'. The authors thank the Scientific Bureau of the University of Catania for language support. Morrone D., Morone V. Acute pulmonary embolism: Focus on the clinical picture. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help "Sudden and unexpected deaths during sleep of young adults" were first noted in medical literature in 1917. The elephant in the room is so gigantic, you cant even get around it anymore. So the number of cases have essentially doubled. The principal neuropathological findings may be diverse and range from a brain that may appear to be relatively normal, to one in which there are multiple petechial haemorrhages, or one that shows massive subarachnoid or subdural haemorrhage. When the cardiovascular system is involved, SCD is used. There are small hives on my left arm where the elbow meets the forearm on the upside of my arm. The 1996 workshop recommended that if a death remains unexplained after a full necropsy, including toxicology and examination of the heart, it should be certified as witnessed or unwitnessed sudden unexpected death/known epilepsy. This becomes obvious once you know where to look. Wong L.C.H., Behr E.R., In particular, this flowchart was obtained combining the data obtained through an up-to-date literature review and a revision of the latest version of guidelines for autopsy investigation of sudden cardiac death (SCD) [11] in order to support medico-legal investigations. 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sudden unexplained death in adults