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Every 'new' story which is told in Star Wars is a part of Star Wars Canon: this includes comics, games, tv shows, films and books. 6/10 Darth Malak. The official canon includes all of the Star Wars films, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, and novels released in and after September 2014 (beginning with Star Wars: A New Dawn ). H It became important to distinguish all the material from the expanded universe already published from the new adventures. - The Anthology films (A Star Wars Story), - Any POST 2014 Book (especially books marked "The Road to Star Wars: The Force Awakens"), - The Clone Wars (though many choose to ignore this), - Star Wars: The Old Republic (both pre- and post-2014 content), Star wars Canon is the consistent star wars content that is apart of the star wars history. Although not as well known to the general public, the literary saga is extremely interesting and provides us with a lot of extra information about the universe we know and love. For more on Legends, check out our Ultimate Guide to Star Wars Legends., Many beloved Star Wars characters live in both Canon and Legends. We can think of this as multiple potential pathways that a character may take. And so there is Legends Thrawn and there is Canon Thrawn., I know, I know, its a little confusing, kind of like life.. The Star Wars universe is vast from motion pictures to animated series, video games and literature. Check the front cover for a gold banner across the top that reads. Start with Heir to the Empire. Contents . As with many Star Wars characters both from the original trilogy and the prequels, Yaddle was further explored in the old Expanded Universe now known as Legends. Star Wars Legends and the official Canon have been at odds ever since Disney purchased Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion (that isn't a typo) back in 2014. This makes Padm 14 years old during the events of the movie, while Anakin is just 9 years old. The term was first used by Lucasfilm in April 2014 to differentiate between the two . What is Star Wars Canon? A minority may disagree, but I believe these people are wrong much of canons new material is truly brilliant. Canon and legends books are both great. In 2014, the Lucasfilm Story Group (LSG) took the decision to reclassify the combined "G" and "C" canons into a new identity called Star Wars Legends, as the stories had become too complicated to manage - there were many retcons, contradictions and the whole thing was a bit of a mess. What is your favorite starship? Sorry Im still getting to know a lot about Star Wars, if anyone could just say it would be really helpful! Before the Republic (pre-25,053 BBY [Before the Battle of Yavin]): The only major releases in this era were the Dawn of the Jedi comic series and novel. In Canon, Depa fights Grievous, then ends up in a coma, then wakes up, takes Caleb Dume as her Padawan, only to be shot down by her troops. These stories could have happened, but . So would you say that Star Wars Legends is like the Canon Universe's version of real life "urban legends" Backpacks_Got_Jets 9 mo. No heart shaped herb. ; Old Republic (25,053-1,000 BBY): Includes the . ago Is Luke Skywalker alive in The Mandalorian? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. What? Old canon existed, because Star Wars was "over," as far as general audiences were concerned. Gea Haff was the magical age of 9-years-old when A New Hope came to theaters and forever imprinted itself on her mind. It consists of Heir to the Empire (1991), Dark Force Rising . Thats like asking whos the best: Boba Fett or Din Djarn, Anakin or Luke, Padm or Leia? Neither is better than the other. Its just personal preference. Some devotees are crazy for Legends. Others adore Canon. Which should you read? Whatever excites you, ignites your imagination, and expands your universe. Galen Marek, also known as Starkiller, was a force-sensitive human who was trained by Darth Vader. These books are considered history and this material is officially part of the Star Wars timeline. there is nothing in the current canon that says an Inquisitor couldn't . First things first! All Star Wars saga films, episodes 1-9 are Canon, as are most of the TV shows, such as The Clone Wars, Rebels, and Resistance. Films and TV produced after the Disney purchase are Canon too including Solo: A Star Wars Story, Rogue One, and Obi-Wan Kenobi., Just to be kyber crystal clear, not all film and TV are Canon. For example, Tartakovskys original Clone Wars microseries and the 1980s Ewok Adventure movies are not strictly Canon.. Sheesh, youd think wed need an entire website to sort this out. Oh wait, weve got Youtini! Even the world's sacred scriptures have official canon and apocryphain other words, legends. Now so does Star Wars! Starkiller was taken on as an apprentice by Vader in secret, raising him from childhood and training him to be his personal assassin. Many of the stories feel sort of unnecessary in that we already know that they don't affect the later events significantly. The [] Your email address will not be published. But in comparing the Canon and Legends timelines, the difference emerges. Complete Canon and Legends Star Wars timeline. When playing the Star Wars RPG, whether that's . the Story Group said that while the Expanded Universe is now Legends and has been wiped clean, they do have plans to reboot or reintroduce characters from that world in the canon. Maul, once known as Darth Maul, was a Force-sensitive Dathomirian Zabrak male who established himself as a crime lord during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Again Star Wars mirrors life. For every culture has their official history and their legends. Legends are the popular but unofficial tales that arise around people and events. . The original and prequel trilogies are both because those are the baseline. The Skywalker Saga refers to the original story that began in 1977. I understand that certain parts of star wars are legend and some are canon, but that's where I am stuck. They broke the STAR WARS timeline into two categories: And to make life easier for fans who wish to find the official canon, the old (non-canonical) stories were marked with the tag legends. Legends, for example, took the death of Palpatine as a major mid-point in a much larger and longer war whereas Canon quickly wraps everything up to give 25 years of peace before the movies. But before Star Wars Legends, these sagas were part of the extensive Star Wars Expanded Universe (EU). Although Canon does have some good things like Vader actually being a dangerous powerhouse, who can solo armies instead of a bar to set for an OC Jedi to beat, as well as Rogue One and an overall more consistent setting/timeline instead of Legends and its whole how many times do we have to steal the Death Star plans or that shuttle from ROTJ. It worked on several levels of precedence, in this order: 'G' Canon - Works directly created by George Lucas himself; the 6 films, The Clone Wars 2003, The Clone Wars, and Ewok Adventures. Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy is a Legends adult-fiction novel series from author Timothy Zahn. For a full run down of the new canon timeline materials (books, games and comics), since it is something that is constantly being updated, I recommend reading the list on Wookipedia you can find the link here. Join us as we discuss our favorites and least favorite starships. The publication of this title ushered in a new wave of storytelling, one that built upon and followed up the stories that had already been established in the films. Let's discuss!---Subscribe for more Star Wars videos . As any fan can tell you, however, that certainly doesnt mean those stories arent worth listening to. The Difference Between Star Wars Canon and Legends. Canon is exactly what it says on the tin really; everything shown on screen in the universe at the time of them buying Star Wars, such as the Clone Wars TV show and, of course, the Star Wars films, would be considered "canon", meaning that they are still officially part of the Star Wars timeline. What's the difference between Star Wars Canon vs Legends? In the 1990s, Lucas returned to the universe, creating the prequel trilogy (Episodes I, II, and III), set roughly 30 years before the opening of A New Hope. So, what is Star Wars canon? For this battle, we will be comparing two characters, both the incomplete padawans of well respected Jedi masters, but who end up living and dying on very different life paths. Star Wars Legends, formerly known as the Expanded Universe (abbreviated EU ), encompasses every one of the licensed and background stories of the Star Wars universe, outside of the original six Star Wars films produced by George Lucas and certain other material such as Star Wars: The Clone Wars, created before April 25, 2014. I feel,and people will disagree,that the canon characters have more depth to them than many of the Legends characters. But all is not lost: the novel Ahsoka follows the former Jedi into the very early days of the Rebellion as she makes new friendships and. *, Subscribe Your email address will not be published. Three years later, after seeing The Empire Strikes Back she wrote George Lucas a letter asking him to please put her in his next movie, Return of the Jedi. We'll cover all of the characters, locations, myths, and lore of the stories we love so much. Standard equipment. Whats The Difference between Legends And Canon. More on that later! From there, the EU grew exponentially, especially since the prequel trilogy offered creators an even larger timeline and a new cast of characters to work with. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Which Thrawn Trilogy is Better - Star Wars Canon vs Legends This is partially complete, but there are still some things that aren't clear. Privacy Policy. All Star Wars saga films, episodes 1-9 are Canon, as are most of the TV shows, such as The Clone Wars, Rebels, and Resistance . pvyoung_. Canon vs. . Lets take Kenobi for example. It was first published in 2013 without the Legends banner And then it was reprinted after the Disney acquisition with the banner Now, the most recent printings even have an Essential Legends banner! Similar to Revan, Malak was once a Jedi who fell under the sway of Vitiate, and became the right-hand of Revan's Sith Empire. Only Lucass six films (the original and prequel trilogies) and The Clone Wars (both the series and animated film) would be carried over into the new canon, while hundreds of comics and books and a few beloved games were now considered Legends of the Star Wars universenot technically canonical, but immensely enjoyable stories set within the same universe. Three titles in particular, Timothy Zahns original Thrawn trilogy, sparked interest in the universe anew, earning a steadfast following of fans who laud the series to this day. There is no right or wrong here. It comes down to what brings you joy. The Star Wars universe contains multitudes and is ever expanding. There is something here for everyone. All are welcome. Jump in, explore, and most importantly, strap in because its going to be an exciting ride. All Rights Reserved. What Is Star Wars Legends Vs Canon? The Star Wars RPG lets players write their own story in the galaxy far, far away, but game masters may still want to include elements from canon. I must admit to fight them you would be better off being a Jedi Guardian (lightsaber mastery) or Jedi Sentinel (masters tech and other means). To be fair, the canon actually started in 1976 with the release of the Star Wars novelization (ghost written by Alan Dean Foster), but the official "Legends" (as it is now known) canon began in 1991 with the release of the Heir to the Empire. Disney does not have any control over the creative processes of Star Wars; they are handled solely by Lucasfilm Ltd, which is owned by Disney. Yeah, but its also a little weird that the original 6 films and TCW are legends, too. One mind-blowing fan theory suggests Reva might just be a canon version of an iconic Star Wars Legends character. Star Wars is an American epic space opera multimedia franchise created by George Lucas, which began with the eponymous 1977 film and quickly became a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon.The franchise has been expanded into various films and other media, including television series, video games, novels, comic books, theme park attractions, and themed areas, comprising an all-encompassing fictional . 'C' Canon - Books, games, comics, everything else basically. Legends is the Star Wars stories created by George Lucas (Such as books, games, comics, etc) And Canon is the Star Wars stories created by Disney (Such as books, games, comics, etc). Films and TV produced after the Disney purchase are Canon too including Solo: A Star Wars Story, Rogue One, and Obi-Wan Kenobi . The Star Wars Legends fictional universe spans multiple eras. Canon characters like Ezra,Dr Aphra,Ahsoka,Hera,etc have a lot of complexity that Legends protagonists didn't always have. EDIT: Oh, and welcome to Wookieepedia Discussions! Now that we have a completed canon Thrawn Trilogy, I thought it would be a good time to look back at the books that kicked off the old EU, and discuss the st. Star Wars books, comics, and video games published prior to September 2014 are Legends. Here at Youtini, we use the term Expanded Universe and EU to describe anything that expands the stories of the Star Wars universe beyond the films and tv shows., Before the Legends/Canon split, the EU referred to Legends content because no official Canon content existed. But now that Canon exists as well, we at Youtini may refer to Canon EU, Legends EU or simply the EU.. Its simple really. If it expands the stories beyond the films and tv, its part of the Expanded Universe. If Revan were to return to Star Wars canon, then his apprentice and eventual successor would be a natural fit to bring back as well. For more information, please see our By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. However, considering how different Yaddle's death in Tales of the Jedi was compared to Legends, it does not seem like Star Wars plans to borrow a lot from Yaddle's Legend stories. Step 2: Make the Old Republic era canon. after the year 2014 is canonical, while all those published before that year are not. Author James Luceno's new canon Star Wars books have woven a number of familiar Imperials back into canon. But as Shmi Skywalker once said, You cant stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting. In October 2012, the Walt Disney Company acquired Lucasfilm, the production company responsible for creating Star Wars content. Required fields are marked *. This the first installment in my new Canon vs. Eagle-eyed fans noticed a reference to Revan, Jedi-turned-Sith Lord lead of the Knights of the Old Republic video game, in the canonical The Rise of Skywalker visual dictionary, and characters, planets, and concepts from the Legends universe consistently find their way back into the canonical galaxy. It doesn't help that there's both Canon and Legends books, comics. As most by now know, Star Wars "Canon" is the fictional material that. The ARC-170 (Clone Starfighter) The ARC-170, a powerful starfighter in the Republic Fleet. Which Thrawn trilogy is canon? In 1978, Alan Dean Foster authored what is now known to be the first EU book, a novel called Splinter of the Minds Eye that follows Luke and Leia as they hunt for the Kaiburr crystal, a powerful Force relic found on Mimban. The rule of thumb is that if anything in the Star Wars canon conflicts with the EU/Legends material, the EU/Legends material is automatically relegated to non-canon status. Her death takes place immediately after the detonation. If you go strictly movie canon, there's no such thing as a holocron mentioned, IIRC. Image Credit: Del Rey. Unsubscribe, I have read and agree to your Privacy Policy. On April 25, 2014, Lucasfilm announced that all Star Wars shows, books, and video games(perviously called the Expanded Universe) would be considered non-canon and rebranded "Legends." From that point on, every piece of Star Wars content has been considered canon. Legends is NOT "The property not owned by Disney" as Star Wars is an intellectual property owned entirely by Lucasfilm Ltd, which is owned by Disney. Star Wars: The Han Solo Trilogy: The Paradise Snare, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader: A Star Wars Character Guide. Star Wars Canon vs Legends (UPDATED) 42 related questions found. Authors from across genres and styles have added their own characters and storylines to the rich worlds established in film and television. And how would outside material affect that? For the rest of this to happen, it has to be clear. Whats next for the Star Wars universe remains to be seen. Thrawn has become one of the franchise's best-known characters, and recently made the leap back into canon status by appearing in Star Wars Rebels and a handful of new companion novels. They are not multiverses, they are not connected; they are completely seperate. Theres a slew of shows, both animated and live action, a growing roster of films, endless comics and books, an array of video and arcade games, and, of course, a score of innovative audiobooksall set in that familiar galaxy far, far away. He began shopping his ambitious, innovative project to studios and receiving rejectionsuntil his vision finally found its home at 20th Century Fox. It is not "Disney Star Wars" for the same reason, and also because Legends content has continued to be published under Disney. Like the canon, fans can find a Star Wars Legends audiobook that will appeal to them regardless of their interest. The Star Wars universe is never as black and white (or red and blue) as it may sometimes seem. Always in motion the galaxy is, unfurling beyond Canon vs. Luke reestablishes the Jedi Order, marries a non-movie (but fan favorite) redheaded Force-wielder named Mara Jade, and they have a son, Ben Skywalker (named in honor of Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi). GL said he hated the Vong. Darth Revan is the protagonist of Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic.Like Exar Kun, much of Revan's story is currently considered under Star Wars Legends, but Revan has been mentioned in Star Wars canon. In Legends, Dooku leaves the Jedi Order after Qui-Gon's death. A long time ago in our very own galaxy, George Lucas created the original trilogy of Star Wars films beginning with A New Hope. This was 1977 and it kicked open the door to a flood of novels like Splinter of the Minds Eye and the Han Solo Trilogy by Brian Daley. These stories thrummed with life, exploding with Jedi and Sith, space pirates and bounty hunters, and screaming space creatures beyond our wildest imagination. All kinds of crazy things happened in these stories spanning 25,000 years. Luke fell in love with a sexy red-headed assassin. Han and Leia had twins. Dark Lords pulled starships out of the sky. 1. Starkiller. Take, for instance, the aforementioned Grand Admiral Thrawn, who first made his appearance in 1991. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Hundreds of books and comics with themes and characters from Star Wars have been published by Lucasfilm since then, and sometimes its easy to get lost in a sea of content. Han Solo marries Princess Leia and they have three children: twins named Jacen and Jaina, and a younger son named Anakin. He's actually back in the canon, courtesy of the child-friendly Star Wars Adventures. Whether the stories crafted are totally fresh or some familiar Legends get resurrected along the way, were bound to be in for another happy landing. To make things even more confusing, since Disney bought Lucasfilm in 2012, the Star Wars universe has changed dramatically and as a consequence of that many stories, characters, and materials built by several authors had to leave the sagas timeline. The twins Jacen and Jaina were by far the more popular and famous of the Solo children, first appearing in The Last Command, the final installment of Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy. Also canonical are multiple television shows, notably the hit animated show The Clone Wars (which gave us fan favorite characters like Rex and Ahsoka Tano), Rebels (a gem that welcomed Grand Admiral Thrawn back into the canon), and Disney+ original The Mandalorian. As in life, the Star Wars universe continues to grow and evolve into an increasingly complex ecosystem. It all began in 1977 with Star Wars: A New Hope and has since forked and branched onto variant pathways, twisting and turning more times than the Millennium Falcon. What we are actually discussing today, is the difference between Star Wars "Canon", and Star Wars "Legends". In the early 1970s, a young filmmaker named George Lucas began writing an adventure-centric space opera inspired by elements ranging from sword and sorcery fantasy to Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress to the Vietnam War. Star Wars: The High Republic novels and comics are Canon. They extend the Canon timeline back over three centuries before The Phantom Menace and introduce an exciting new era of galactic adventures. And Thrawn is not alone. Cookie Notice If youre still a bit confused about whats canonical and what isnt in terms of the world of comics and books, you can generally adhere to this rule of thumb: any official Star Wars story published (or set to be published!) And for those who are specifically interested in the Star Wars books they have a separate timeline here. In Legends Han and Leia's children were Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo. Disneys partnership with EA netted four video games, Battlefront, Battlefront II, Jedi: Fallen Order, and Squadrons. Since then, the argument over Legends has . When Githany Dies Contradiction In Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, Githany is one of the victims of the thought bomb. Gives them more staying power As far as "big" storylines there's a few happening/coming up. As outlined in our canon timeline explainer, in January 2021 Lucasfilm announced a new set of six dividing eras for all canonical content: The High Republic, The Fall of the Jedi, The Reign of the Empire, The Age of Rebellion, The New Republic, and The Rise of the First Order. Whether reading legends or canon, I hope you enjoy the wonders of the Star Wars universe. The names, symbols, and dates of the publishing eras were first introduced in October 2000 and were refined up to February 2015:. The sequel trilogy, created by the newly Disney-owned Lucasfilm, made its debut in 2015. Redditor asbestosman2 pitched the idea on the Fan Theories subreddit that. . The new one (Thrawn, Alliances, Treason) is indeed canon. We know it can be confusing; thats why Youtini was created in the first place. If you ever have any doubt, hop onto our timeline and confirm your suspicions. Our intel is up to date! Score: 4.2/5 (56 votes) . All books that do not have this banner on the cover are considered part of the new Star Wars canon. First things first! These three films (Episodes VII, VIII, and IX) feature a new cast of characters, including eager Force-wielder Rey, former Stormtrooper Finn, and Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, in addition to longtime fan favorites like Han, Chewie, Leia, Lando, and Luke. Meanwhile, George Lucas continued to make movies. Next came the Prequel Trilogy and even more stories, comics, and video games followed. Then in 2014 the entire Star Wars universe shifted on its axis for the Legends/Canon split was born. One of the pivotal characters in the first season of Andor is Leida . Although this is the first time that the term appears within the new canon, it . Option 2: From the Page to the Screen (Back to the Page) Start with Rebels season 3 and/or the Imperial Thrawn Trilogy. Your sentiments are shared. Instead of shuttling these stories into the outer reaches of dead space where theyd languish and die, Disney chose to keep them alive and created an entirely new classification for them: Legends. . Neither is better than the other. This Is the Way | The Wookieepedia Handbook | Fandom, Season two ofThe Mandalorian is finally. Option 1: Blast from the Past. Vader's right-hand man gets his own backstory in Tarkin. So, what happened to the roster of comics, games, audiobooks, and more that were rendered non-canonical following Disneys reassessment of the timeline? The Star Wars Expanded Universe is pretty confusing. What is Star Wars canon vs Legends? Star Wars Legends is a term used to describe the stories, books, comics, and video games that are not considered part of the Star Wars canon. If youre still a little lost, dont worrybelow, weve broken it down a bit further so you can explore every corner of the Star Wars galaxy with confidence. So if i understand right, the canon OT and legends OT are the same yet they are not connected cause of this canon shit. Legends series, where we compare Star Wars characters from the Modern Canon and Legends continuities. Copyright 1997 - 2022 Audible, Inc. Anakin Skywalkers journey from a kind, thoughtful child to the vicious and cunning Lord Vader (as well as his road back to redemption) is a tale that echoes throughout the Star Wars series, carrying with it resonant thoughts on the nature of legacy, love, fear, and guilt. ), Copyright 1997 - 2022 Audible, Inc | Conditions of Use| Privacy Policy, Conditions of Use| Privacy Policy| Full Site Currently, the official Star Wars canon consists of 13 films: the nine episodes in the Skywalker Saga, two standalone films (Rogue One and Solo), and the 2008 animated feature film, The Clone Wars. One major difference between Legends Yaddle and . As far as I understand canon is the "real story" but I have no idea how to take in stuff that's from Legends. Star Wars is certainly one of the greatest cinematic hits in history. As for The Old Republic, the video game set thousands of years before the original films, the basic sentiment at this point is that it's canon until it isn't.

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what is star wars canon vs legends