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This true history can never be known, and what Imperial scholars do know of it are only distorted glimpses. It was said that the psychic death screams of the dying were audible to Imperial astropaths across half the sector. The XIIth Legion were told of Angron's refusal of the Emperor's offer when they had first met upon Nuceria. The two Word Bearers were then brought by the Custodes to the Emperor's throne room to face judgement. The CHAOS keyword is used in the following Chaos Space Marines datasheets: The TRAITORIS ASTARTES keyword is used in the following Chaos Space Marines datasheets: The ALPHA LEGIONBLACK LEGIONEMPERORS CHILDRENIRON WARRIORSNIGHT LORDSWORD BEARERSWORLD EATERSCREATIONS OF BILERED CORSAIRS keyword is used in the following Chaos Space Marines datasheets: The ALPHA LEGIONBLACK LEGIONEMPERORS CHILDRENIRON WARRIORSNIGHT LORDSWORD BEARERSWORLD EATERSCREATIONS OF BILERED CORSAIRS and CORE keywords are used in the following Chaos Space Marines datasheets: The CULTISTS keyword is used in the following Chaos Space Marines datasheets: The TRANSPORT keyword is used in the following Chaos Space Marines datasheets: The INFANTRY keyword is used in the following Chaos Space Marines datasheets: This datasheet has Troops Battlefield Role. The monumental task of coordinating the worship of The God-Emperor across the galaxy was given to a new body called the Adeptus Ministorum, or Ecclesiarchy. Calth's three sister planets were all destroyed, massive geo-nuclear strikes ripping them apart at the core. Select one, Use this Stratagem in any phase, when an attack is allocated to a. The Warp Storm that had carried the Devourer of Stars to Armageddon had started dying out, cutting off the vital supply of Warp energy that allowed Angron and the other daemons to remain in the Materium. While the treachery of others came like a storm, or the final flowering of a long buried seed, the Word Bearers' betrayal was poison distilled over long years. World Eater armies feature little to no long-range weapons, but they balance this lack with their exceptional close combat and melee prowess. Those not lost to the Butcher's Nails at once had the presence of mind to note that these Ultramarines were not the pristine cobalt-blue warriors they had previously faced on the War World of Armatura. Initially derived from the runic script of ancient Colchis, the banners have come to display ever more disturbing and debased symbols as the full extent of the Legion's treachery and corruption has been revealed. It is also common for vehicles to have paper prayer rolls applied to them before battle, a practise derived from ancient Colchisian battle-rites but twisted into new and debased significance as the Word Bearers fell ever further from grace. When the Daemon Primarch entered Terra's atmosphere, he appeared as a massive, flaming meteor. The process darkens the slate grey ceramite plates to midnight black. From their founding their devotion to the Imperium and the Great Crusade was beyond question, they were the bearers of the ideals of the Imperium, of its vision for the future of humanity. Only after murdering at least seven high-ranking officers within the Legion, including Ghreer, Captain Khrn of the 8th Assault Company voluntarily went forth to Angron's private quarters to confront the always enraged Primarch. Following the end of the Horus Heresy, the World Eaters Legion was finally sundered as a coherent military force during the Legion Wars at the Battle of Skalathrax on the Daemon World of the same name. Though the World Eaters' flagship transformed a number of the smaller vessels into flaming wreckage, the Ultramarines eventually punched through her tenacious defence and managed to land troops on the surface of Nuceria. The Emperor of Mankind sought to unite all of Humanity under one banner following the Long Night of the Age of Strife, and end inter-Human conflict. As the two Primarchs fought, Guilliman landed a glancing blow, his fist pounding across Angron's breastplate. Post-Heresy World Eaters Traitor Legion Badge. There are a number of unanswered questions. This was something that was shown to Captain Kharn by his Primarch. As the very existence of Chaos was one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Imperium of Man, few amongst even the Space Marines knew of the existence of the Grey Knights, the most elite Chapter of Astartes ever formed who were tasked specifically with combat against daemons. He called out to the Pantheon of Chaos to save him; his great work was not yet complete. Heavy Bolters range two hundred and fifty. Kor Phaeron was of course amongst the first members of the Covenant chosen to join the legion, but in a tragic twist of fate, suffered catastrophic side-effects during the gene-seed implantation process. Ancient pict-capture of Lorgar Aurelian, Primarch of the Legiones Astartes Word Bearers. When the call came, the Grey Knights teleported directly into the midst of the advancing Chaos horde, surrounding the gigantic Daemon Primarch. During the Horus Heresy the World Eaters Legion fleet is known to have possessed the following vessels. We can only speculate as to why: perhaps He did not want to believe it of His son, perhaps He wanted to be sure, perhaps He was simply gathering information before acting. A feeling of desolation settled over the legion on the endless journey back to Terra. Whether annihilating the foe at range or butchering them without mercy at close quarters, there is no aspect of death unknown to these traitors. Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn. In the meantime, the demigod in gold and blue had finally found the object of his obsession amidst the clamour of war. It is also common for companies to be drastically reorganised on the eve of battle based on how the cards fall, even if it flies in the face of what is known of the enemy or expected battlefield conditions. Angron ordered a hasty invasion of the planet, and per the Primarch's tradition, the World Eaters demanded that the world be subjugated within 31 solar hours. Perfecting, after a lifetime of broken torture. War was not just a process, it was a message, and so the Word Bearers would often include notes of the spectacular into their campaigns to make a point. The Ultramarines Legion was badly crippled and no longer presented a viable threat to Horus' plan to drive on Terra. After Angron came to be separated from the Emperor and Terra by the mysterious machinations of the Ruinous Powers he was deposited through the Warp on the world of Nuceria. Fulgrim refused to leave his delights and return to the war effort, forcing the two sides to battle. Even that paled compared to Quintarn, which they turned into the World of the Blind without having to fire a single shot. Dishevelled and raging, Vandire was hauled bodily from his hiding place by Sebastian Thor, his time of misrule at an end. Cognomen (Prior) The weight of the Lex's massive plasma engines dragged the stern down first, colliding with the Nucerian ocean's surface far from shore. That end being successfully delivering the killing force of the Legion, its Space Marines, where they could inflict the most harm and come to grapple with their foe at close quarters. After the first deaths, the psychically trained Legionaries had sought to master the implants, to balance their sixth sense with the bionics now altering their brains' biochemistry. None can say how close the World Eaters came to destroying the palace, or whether they would have come face to face with the Emperor Himself had not Horus lowered the shields of his Battle Barge, precipitating the final confrontation in orbit. It was a stylised representation of a roaring, horned daemon's head wreathed in flames, which represented all that the Legion stood for, all that they believed in so deeply and all that they were willing to kill for. Rumour, hearsay and unkind suspicion were not enough to call the motivations of one of the Legions into question. Skulls for the Skull Throne! During the scattering of the primarchs' gestation capsules from the Emperor of Mankind's gene-laboratories deep beneath the Himalazian (Himalayan) Mountains, Angron was cast through the Warp to a "civilised" Human world far from Terra. The XIIth Legion crashed against the XIIIth in rabid packs, showing why Imperial forces had feared to fight alongside them for decades. Despite the moral authority that chaplains wield amongst the Word Bearers, they do not command. These mobs are often little more than local citizens, untrained and armed with nothing but improvised weapons. The World Eaters bloodily massacred most of their Loyalist Battle-Brothers, plunging into their former comrades' ranks like a white hot dagger. Its mechanised phalanxes included a spearhead of heavy armour alongside a heavy infantry force, often including Cataphractii units, mounted in Land Raider transports. This war lasted six standard years, ending when Lorgar and his Godsworn supporters stormed the temple of the Covenant known as the Cathedral of Illumination in the heart of the City of Grey Flowers, the world's capital of Vharadesh, at which the Primarch had trained, killing the monks within and eliminating the heart of the conservative religious resistance to his ideas concerning the One God. The Primarch Angron leads his Worlds Eaters in the Imperial Compliance of a new world during the Great Crusade. The rebels had died to a man in his absence. The military bureaucracy that had grown up around the War Council sent expeditions to a cluster of worlds conquered by the Word Bearers. Though much of the meaning behind their belief had been lost to superstition, they kept alive the knowledge of a humanity that had colonised distant stars, and the promise that one day they would be reunited. From that point onwards, the Sons of Horus joined the covert war against Chaos. Once the truth was revealed, it was only a matter of time before the Emperor would be moved to censure the Word Bearers. The corrupted machine spirits shackled to the will of the Iron Warriors refuse to yield. The overlords of the gladiatorial games on that world who had first hammered the foul device into Angron's skull would know more of the implant's function than the Traitor Legion's savants and the Dark Mechanicum. Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or manifest psychic powers this turn unless they are. The Ultramarines were shocked by the millions of Chaos Cultists the Word Bearers used as human shields and disgusted by the hordes of daemons they unleashed from the Warp. For them the true war existed long before a bullet was fired, and would last long after the last drop of blood had fallen. Newly blessed with daemonic gifts, Angron and his World Eaters overtook the Loyalist defenders of the Eternity Wall. One is led by the Dark Apostle and former First Chaplain Erebus, the other by the Keeper of the Faith Kor Phaeron. The Ultramarines returned the World Eaters' ferocity in kind, hungry for vengeance against the vile Traitors who had defiled Calth and damaged its star. He called it Widowmaker. Fully half the planet was reshaped into a hellish landscape reminiscent of many Daemon Worlds -- a nightmare born of the Warp merged with the ruins of a war-torn Hive World. When his "supply lines" were finally secured, and his army emerged from the equatorial jungles that separated Armageddon Prime from Armageddon Secundus, Angron found the Imperial defenders ready and waiting -- and reinforced by the Space Wolves. He had little concern for a small group of former slaves battling a group of petty tyrants on a backwater world. While Angron had once been a great man possessed of a fearsome sense of martial pride and honour, now he was a frothing, blood-soaked berserker Daemon Prince, as were his warriors. This organisation lent itself well to a highly aggressive strategic posture and belligerent tactics, which while extremely costly in terms of casualties, were also highly effective. The rebuilding of a planet's faith and social structures took time, as did the rebuilding of cities and the raising of temples from which the faith could be maintained. I joined his rebellion because I can tolerate him easier than I can endure the abomination that names himself Master of Mankind. "I have heard it said that the Twelfth is beyond trust. The Emperor replied that a ghost would suffice for what he had planned for his son. Models equipped with a storm shield, a relic shield or a combat shield (or a Relic that replaces one of these shields). Guilliman confronted Lorgar, possessing the advantage of two weapons, but Lorgar's Crozius gave him a reach his brother lacked. Unknown to the forces of Chaos, the Great Company of Space Wolves Astartes led by the Chapter's Great Wolf (Chapter Master) Logan Grimnar had been assigned to the defence of this sector of the Imperium, and they moved quickly to provide aid to the beleaguered defenders as soon as they received the astropathic distress messages from Armageddon describing the Chaos invasion of the Hive World. When they returned, it was clear that they were a changed force. Their designation on the battlefield is displayed by coloured votive cloths draped from shoulder pauldrons, with sergeants proudly displaying their colours on richly embroidered back banners. For the Emperor Himself to be held as a god was anathema to all that the Imperium stood for, and the Master of Mankind chided Lorgar and his kin for their idolatry. Once they reached the Imperial Palace, everything would be done to remove the parasitic Butcher's Nails implants from the World Eaters' minds. After their humiliation at Khur, thousands of World Bearers within the Legion detested the Ultramarines. In the years before the return of Lorgar and the discovery of his homeworld of Colchis by the expanding fleets of the Imperium in 857.M30, the XVIIth Legion was known amongst the vast hosts of the Great Crusade by designations other than the "Word Bearers." After their parley breaks down, Angron fiercely fights against the Wolf King Leman Russ during the event known as The Night of the Wolf. The newly renamed World Eaters utterly refused to heed, or even to acknowledge, the Edict of Nikaea. It is considered a blessing second only to that of Khorne himself to kill within Angron's sight -- those who truly earn his favour are granted a nod of respect or a growl of recognition in the midst of battle. The Dark Apostles divine through many ways how a battle is to be fought and won, and the warriors of the Host of Lorgar obey unquestioningly. ""Blood for the Blood God! Must end closer to the closest enemy model. But their fate would soon be sealed upon the homeworld of Angron's youth. A sense of deep unease spread through the legion, and they took increasingly creative interpretations of Vandire's edicts to minimise the harm that they were doing, much to their master's displeasure. Though they did not see it, their piety was doomed from the moment the Word Bearers brought them to it. To prevent this, Sarrin conspired with the Night Lords Captain Gendor Skraivok, the "Painted Count," as well as Khrn, to have Angron teleported to the shifting maze aboard the Night Lords' flagship Nightfall that had long been used by Konrad Curze to torture and kill captives. Theirs was the only method more terrifying to an enemy than the sight of a legionary sprinting towards the, light gleaming from their raised weapon, with a bellow tearing from their throat. Salvation Pods streamed from the Lexs sides and underbelly, along with heavier Mechanicum craft and bulk landers. However, not all of the Traitor Primarchs could be found nor were they all obeying the summons. Despite Mago's best efforts, for a time it seemed the World Eaters would be overrun. Soon after the coming of their Primarch Angron, the World Eaters' psychic brethren were avoided and ostracised by all of their fellow Battle-Brothers. The Iron Warriors see their thrall-servants as mere tools, fit only to soak up the foes ammunition and clog their blades. How could He have not foreseen the madness to come when it was He who made it happen? Lorgar saw this as a great honour for his friend, and when he spoke with Magnus even referred to it as a "communion with the divine". When a model makes an attack, make one hit roll for that attack by rolling one D6. Even with the Eastern Fringe brought into compliance, Guilliman's domain had continued to grow as Imperial worlds bordering it petitioned to join his so-called 'Ultramar Segmentum'. Aggressive use of these units had led the chapter to many victories in the Great Crusade, for which it also acquired a reputation for ruthless efficiency on the attack and bloody-minded stubbornness in defence. Within the bounds of their own misperception, they are correct. In this dark endeavour, Angron ordered the study of his Butcher's Nails implant by the XIIth Legion's Techmarines to serve as a template for the manufacture of new versions of the devices. A core group of the most dedicated and powerful Dark Apostles within the Legion make up an evil priesthood known as the Dark Council. This unit gains a bonus (see below) depending on which wanton act it is engaged in, as follows: During the first battle round, your army (and every unit from it) is engaged in, During the second battle round, your army (and every unit from it) is engaged in, At the start of the third battle round, select either. Yet, at its end, the World Eaters did not return to Terra, and Angron refused to stop the implantation of his Astartes with the Butcher's Nails. But always after the black clad herald, the grey warriors would come with fire and the thunder of change. Select one WORD BEARERS CULTISTS unit from your army within 12" of a friendly WORD BEARERS CHARACTER unit. Although the Word Bearers Legion had initially been thrown into disarray after their public humiliation and rebuke by the Emperor on the world of Khur, it has been established that the Legion was divided into two camps. He had carried them with him across Nuceria, letting their empty eyes witness the razing of his former, hated homeworld. All would burn together. How could he know the truth and deny it to these worlds? He was no god, and would suffer no such belief in His realm. A Chapter Master leads each Chapter, a Captain each company and a Sergeant each squad. War is not just a process, it is a message, and so the Word Bearers will often include notes of the spectacular into their campaigns to make a point. One who excels in a battle -- or in an especially violent ritual sacrifice -- may have Colchisian runes inscribed on his battle-plate by a Dark Apostle or Chaos Sorcerer, lending an extra measure of esoteric protection that hardens his soul against horrors both metaphysical and corporeal. They're freeing your soul. As the flames spread to the rest of the city, the World Eaters Legion tore itself apart, berserkers fighting both each other and the Emperor's Children for what little shelter remained. Across the millennia, this shattered Traitor Legion has spilled enough blood to drown worlds, stacking high the skulls of their foes until their mountainous offerings to Khorne reach the clouds above. Thor claimed with great passion and eloquence that the actions Vandire had taken spat upon everything that their primarch had stood for, and called for him to immediately step down. That such forces were lost and yet more were unleashed on world after world in the dark years that followed shows that behind the Word Bearers themselves stood millions more willing to die at their command. While Vandire's radical interpretation of the lore differed wildly from Lorgar's, the concept of disobeying orders came harder to the Word Bearers than to perhaps any other legion. Normally, such means would have been forbidden, especially if the Legion was still on an active war footing, but in light of dire events, a Praetor could relent, understanding all too well that his brothers needed the grounded calm that duelling could bring, an outlet to exorcise their frustrations and rage. Not from malfunction or misuse, but because they were World Eaters, and all World Eaters lived brief, violent lives. At the same time, the Word Bearers had used the battle taking place on Calth to summon a massive Warp Storm called the Ruinstorm, that was intended to cut off Ultramar from the rest of the galaxy and prevent the Ultramarines from providing any reinforcements to Terra as Horus made his assault upon humanity's homeworld. Chaos Khorne There they have remained, returning to the worlds of the Imperium since the end of the Heresy only to raid, pillage, and destroy. It was said that religion was in the air, in the touch of the sun and the taste of the dust. The Chaplains repainted their armour black following the death of their Primarch on Dimamar, "in remembrance of the Urizen and his great sacrifice.". This ensured that in the future no warband leader of the World Eaters could claim a right of command due to their prior position rather than by dint of their sheer martial ability. Unable to wear his failure, he was bitter with the Emperor that he couldn't fight alongside them and even more so that he couldn't even commemorate them properly. This simple but resolutely brutal code of war was the War Hounds' article of faith and they extended it to both their own number and their enemy. The Nails rewarded rage with spurts of electrochemical pleasure, tingling synapses and deadening enjoyment of everything else. The priests of this primitive faith preached that one day, a supreme being would come to lead them into a new age. These companies would often deploy in combination, again showing the Word Bearers' favour for massed forces and sledgehammer actions.

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